"What Are You Thinking Now?"

Started by Sakura Leic, November 08, 2008, 07:36:33 AM

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They left.  I'll just stick random bits of furniture in the parking spot to keep uninvited people from using it.


Did I mention how much I hate Post-Secondary?  -_-

Kopaka: "That leaves you and I, Tahu Nuva."
Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."

Police Girl

Quote from: Joseph Collins on September 12, 2012, 04:34:24 AM
"There is no cure for a lonely heart."

But there is.

Its called 'Isolation'.


There's no cure for a stuck-up Wookieepedia user who struts around as if he owns the place...

...except for a good, firm blocking to remind him who's boss. :P

Protoman Blues

I love Office Space. Such a great movie.

Joseph Collins

Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on September 12, 2012, 06:10:43 AM
But there is.

Its called 'Isolation'.
I'm tempted to ask for some kind of explanation for that, but I'm not sure I'd like the explanation I got.

Police Girl

Quote from: Joseph Collins on September 12, 2012, 08:17:05 AM
I'm tempted to ask for some kind of explanation for that, but I'm not sure I'd like the explanation I got.

I just mean that "Healthy Social interaction" isn't needed to live a decent life, save yourself the grief of getting rejected/bullied/teased/played on/ridiculed/etc. by eliminating social interaction down to the absolute minimum.

Sakura Leic

"Dang it my old laptop crashed just when my bro needed it, are all Sony laptops like this?"
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on September 12, 2012, 08:37:51 AM
I just mean that "Healthy Social interaction" isn't needed to live a decent life, save yourself the grief of getting rejected/bullied/teased/played on/ridiculed/etc. by eliminating social interaction down to the absolute minimum.

Quotegetting rejected/bullied/teased/played on/ridiculed/etc.

This isn't really Healthy Social Interaction. Healthy Social Interaction is the idea of having people you can hang out with, friends you can count on, and individuals with whom you can talk with. Bullying, teasing, rejection is part of life and is hard to avoid, especially since most people avoid it because they have been bullied, teased, rejected, etc., or at least have a fear of it.

While I agree that Healthy Social Interaction is not needed to live a decent life per se, I think it's needed to have a healthy frame of mind to deal with those issues when they arise, cause they always will in life no matter how much you try to avoid them.

Sakura Leic

All I can say is time heals all wounds and you meet new people all the time so you shouldn't give up.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 12, 2012, 08:55:59 AM
This isn't really Healthy Social Interaction. Healthy Social Interaction is the idea of having people you can hang out with, friends you can count on, and individuals with whom you can talk with. Bullying, teasing, rejection is part of life and is hard to avoid, especially since most people avoid it because they have been bullied, teased, rejected, etc., or at least have a fear of it.

While I agree that Healthy Social Interaction is not needed to live a decent life per se, I think it's needed to have a healthy frame of mind to deal with those issues when they arise, cause they always will in life no matter how much you try to avoid them.

Yeah, I know that. I do have friends, its just that most people I used to know have long since moved away or have become impossible to contact. Its tougher nowadays since the only time I'm actually out of the house in a social environment is when I'm at class, and even then its pretty much "Go to class, do a little discussion with the people around you, go home", though that's what everybody else does too.

I mean, my parents want me to find some new friends but it's not exactly feasible, but its fine since I've honestly gotten used to being by myself.


so happy virt's doing the adventure time soundtrack

<Mirby> virt: are you working on the adventure time game soundtrack, or is it too early to say
<+virt> Mirby: i am, it's done already, and i will push for an OST album but no promises
<+virt> yes WF is doing adventure time for 3ds and ds, and i am their staff composer, so it's on like tron

also this double dragon neon soundtrack is awesome.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Joseph Collins

Sorry to derail this topic (again), but I want to address this and explain myself.
Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on September 12, 2012, 08:37:51 AMI just mean that "Healthy Social interaction" isn't needed to live a decent life, save yourself the grief of getting rejected/bullied/teased/played on/ridiculed/etc. by eliminating social interaction down to the absolute minimum.
You forgot "betrayed."

I know social interaction isn't necessary to lead a perfectly fulfilling life, but on some nights (such as last night), I just let the whole "I'm never going to find 'that one person'" thing get to me.  I mean, 90% of the people around me are leading happy, successful lives wherein they have someone or potentially have someone.  The ones that don't?  They either eventually get tired of me or stick me in the "friend zone" for whatever reason.  To add insult to injury, I also sometimes get the whole "You're a real great guy" and "You'll find someone" speech from people.

I know some people have been waiting longer than I have for happiness.  But the countless years I've been sitting in isolation, unable to do jack about things due to circumstances beyond my control...  Well, like I said, it just gets to me sometimes.

The other night, I used my unhappiness productively and drew a sad picture, which made me feel better.  Last night?  I sat and stewed.  It was utterly pathetic, in retrospect.  But I guess that's how I handle things sometimes.  I'm just a tad bit self-destructive at times...

Police Girl

Quote from: Joseph Collins on September 12, 2012, 07:42:00 PM
Sorry to derail this topic (again)
You can't really do that when this isn't the kind of topic that can get derailed. We get occasional legit discussion sometimes.

I know social interaction isn't necessary to lead a perfectly fulfilling life, but on some nights (such as last night), I just let the whole "I'm never going to find 'that one person'" thing get to me.
This used to get to me for a long time, but I just got over it eventually. You see, I just eventually realized that the notion of finding somebody was never going to happen, some people give me [parasitic bomb] about it but in all reality I don't really think they care. Though chances are if there is somebody out there for me, I will never meet them because I won't ever come into contact with them. That's life.

QuoteI mean, 90% of the people around me are leading happy, successful lives wherein they have someone or potentially have someone.
And on my side 90% of those people have either:
1) Been in a relationship before the one they're in now
2) Are about to divorce
3) Recently broke up because the girl was a cheating [classy lady]
4) Been married forever

Its a wide spectrum.

QuoteThe ones that don't?  They either eventually get tired of me or stick me in the "friend zone" for whatever reason.  To add insult to injury, I also sometimes get the whole "You're a real great guy" and "You'll find someone" speech from people.

High School in a nutshell, needless to say I wasn't great either, IIRC there was somebody who did say that they did like me, but I would've friendzoned them. Honestly, she was right. So its not like I was the only one getting rejected, because I rejected somebody too (Though when they said that it was pretty much after they had gotten over me, so maybe it wasn't that big of a deal?).

QuoteI know some people have been waiting longer than I have for happiness.  But the countless years I've been sitting in isolation, unable to do jack about things due to circumstances beyond my control...  Well, like I said, it just gets to me sometimes.

And you know, there isn't anything wrong about that, different people handle emotions differently.

QuoteI'm just a tad bit self-destructive at times...
Everybody is to some degree.

Sakura Leic

Dude trust me you aren't derailing the topic, I do it all the time.  Anyway I know it's something you heard all the time and it's not something you want to hear now but you will find someone someday. 

"Also why are the advertisements for Kirby games so awesome!"
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Protoman Blues

Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on September 12, 2012, 09:34:31 AM
I mean, my parents want me to find some new friends but it's not exactly feasible, but its fine since I've honestly gotten used to being by myself.

Finding new friends isn't exactly something people just go out and do. Usually it happens at work or school or someplace where you just connect with someone. I mean, my closest friends I've known since high school. They're like my family. I cannot say the same about friends I've picked up along the way at work or college or anything like that.


Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2012, 12:24:26 AM
Finding new friends isn't exactly something people just go out and do. Usually it happens at work or school or someplace where you just connect with someone. I mean, my closest friends I've known since high school. They're like my family. I cannot say the same about friends I've picked up along the way at work or college or anything like that.

Pretty much, but we all have to deal with that kind of group you don't want to be a part of every now and then, I just ignore their presence, basically. I'm not really the kind of guy that takes "do unto others as they do to you" bible verse too litterally, as that can cause problems in the long run.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Topical to what you guys are talking about.

Yesterday, for the first time in ages, a girl was legitimately interested in me, engaging in conversation and all.

Of course the IRONY couldn't have been more delicious, because I need to focus on my post-secondary studies. I was such a cold dick to her that day.


Kopaka: "That leaves you and I, Tahu Nuva."
Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Gaia on September 13, 2012, 12:28:54 AM
Pretty much, but we all have to deal with that kind of group you don't want to be a part of every now and then, I just ignore their presence, basically. I'm not really the kind of guy that takes "do unto others as they do to you" bible verse too litterally, as that can cause problems in the long run.

....what does this have to do with what I said?

Sakura Leic

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2012, 01:41:26 AM
....what does this have to do with what I said?
I think he said the opposite of what you were saying.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Police Girl

Quote from: Sakura Leic on September 13, 2012, 01:55:31 AM
I think he said the opposite of what you were saying.

Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 13, 2012, 01:41:26 AM
....what does this have to do with what I said?

I think it was just Gaia being Gaia.

Quote from: megaman24681012 on September 13, 2012, 01:17:14 AM
Yesterday, for the first time in ages, a girl was legitimately interested in me, engaging in conversation and all.

Of course the IRONY couldn't have been more delicious, because I need to focus on my post-secondary studies. I was such a cold dick to her that day.

Couldn't just be nice and talk to her?
Would it have really taken that long?
Besides, you apparently hate College, every recent post you've made here has said it one way or another, so honestly you should've tried to make that a little less miserable and tried to connect or something.

I mean holy [tornado fang] that's just common knowledge.


Quote from: RMZX Anarchy on September 13, 2012, 03:46:55 AM
I think it was just Gaia being Gaia.

Couldn't just be nice and talk to her?
Would it have really taken that long?
Besides, you apparently hate College, every recent post you've made here has said it one way or another, so honestly you should've tried to make that a little less miserable and tried to connect or something.

I mean holy [tornado fang] that's just common knowledge.

I'll stop complaining when it gets easier, or until I'm banned.

On second thought, I'll just stop complaining. Sorry.   '>.>

Kopaka: "That leaves you and I, Tahu Nuva."
Tahu: "No. That leaves only me."


I find it easier to connect with people online than I do in real life.  Go figure.

In real life, I'm rather aloof.  I'm sociable when I need to be, but for the most part, I keep to myself.  Do I get lonely?  Sometimes.  There are times that I wish I had friends around with whom I can hang out with.  Most of the time, though... I'm fine.  Even in college, I was happiest when I didn't have roommates.  It's because I learned to live with myself and be happy by myself.  I live by myself now and I'm quite happy.  Bored because I need a job, but still rather content.

I don't shy away from relationships because they're "all bad" or "everyone's a dick."  Granted, past experience plays a part in that, but it's not the main reason.  My biggest problem now?  I'm a nerd surrounded by non-nerds.  A bit hard to connect with people when you have to explain what Star Wars is. :|

Joseph Collins

You know, I was going to post a reply regarding all the insightful feedback you guys gave to my simple post (thank you, by the way!), but while writing a reply to Quickman's post, a startling thought completely side-tracked me:

"Maybe I'm not actually a furry after all?"

I was going to address social awkwardness and the fact I recently found a group of people (who are furries) with whom I felt I could open up 100% and not hold back in the slightest, but my mind wandered and well...  I ended up writing a journal entry about why I question my own "furriness," the root of the argument being "I like cute things, which animals just happen to be most of the time."

On that note, thank you for completely and totally unintentionally getting my brains firing on all cylinders, Quickie.  I wasn't expecting to have a revelation today.  XD


Haha, no problem. XD

On that note, I'd be thrilled to find some furries around here.  Hell, nerds of any kind.  But, they all hide. :(