You sure it wasn't long passed its sell by date? Believe me the shop I regularly go to, sells a lotta [parasitic bomb], that are decades old, and are still hanging on their shelves, waiting for some [dark hold] to carelessly buy it.
Didn't pay attention, I poured it out.
The can was kinda crinkled up now that I think of it.
I don't drink those things.
I needed them to keep me up in school, lately I buy one a day sometimes just to give me a little boost of energy.
I could drink Coffee, but I need some flavored Coffee and we don't have any in the house since dad drinks it black.
...why would you pay over $800 for a wedding cake when the bride can't even eat it?
The real question is why would you spend $800 on a wedding cake at all.
Expensive flashy weddings are unreasonable. Then again I find romance confusing!