ACTA is SOPA if SOPA was worldwide.
Ugh, why do these governments feel the need to control the internet. Seriously. >_>
Over here in America, we've got to worry about the Protect Children from Internet Pornographers Act. Though the cause is noble (and probably will be what passes it), the measures are highly unconstitutional. ISPs will be forced to track and transmit all browsing history of ANYONE suspected of doing anything wrong and those who are suspected can have their houses barged into by police and searched. And then thrown in jail for who knows how long. (LOOK! A PICTURE OF MY CHILD! nope that's child porn you're going away for a long time BUT SERIOUSLY IT'S MY KID nope porn)...
Seriously, Lamar Smith (extremely corrupt idiot who wrote both this and SOPA) needs to lose everything he has. He had copyrighted material all while pushing SOPA (which, under his own act, would send him to jail) so I wouldn't be surprised if he also had some child porn too (which, under PCIPA, would send him to jail).
Actually, there's a rather long list of things that would send him to jail.