"Good God, I am SO [tornado fang]ing pissed off right now! Stupid [tornado fang]ing e-drama! I'd love to just get those [tornado fang]tards who don't get the first rule of the internet and take EVERYTHING SERIOUSLY, and rip their [tornado fang]ing heads off! And this one individual in particular, who I won't name...oh, I'd like to hang him, draw him, quarter him, saw him in half, cut his [tornado fang]ing head off, then stick a rusty dagger in his back and twist it around, and see how HE [tornado fang]ing likes it!"
[Sorry about this...I just really had to say it...and no, I'm not referring at all to RPM. I'm referring to another community, which I am on the verge of getting the hell out of, since they don't want me there anymore because of some stupid little mistakes I made. Sorry if this sudden outburst upset anybody, I know it's not like me.]