I spent around half an hour doing a custom gradient for the background, and using a number of tools, blending, and distorting, I created the green swirly-hazy background. I was going for a Joker kinda thing, so I did the text free handed multiple times, which show's my initials, R_B. On the top left corner says X9.com (Really Mega Man X9.com) and on the bottom right says my name (Rasengan_Boi.)
My signature is an Animu version of me as the main focus, my Character Mega Man R, Omega Man's character Omicron (I like the way I did him) and the man X himself (Done in an X8 style.) It shows my name on the bottom left corner, and on the right corner says "Rejected" as I have a pretty messed up life (I'm seeing a psychologist.)