You will NEVER get me to become an overachiever! Besides I mean if the game is entertaining then of course I will play it, if I have real life competition, which is the case with pokemon, soulcalibur and most fighting games, I will play it more and practice By the way, no one will be able to beat me in soulcalibur now that I have mitsurugi's moves down and by no one i mean my real life friends. Sometimes I prefer the sheer factor of beating a stage or boss or gaining a level that adds to the fun. But once hte world is saved or destroyed and everything is mostly done, I doubt I will really come back for the extra goodies, such as catching all the pokemon in a region. So I really am just talking about pursuading me to do more with the game, if I unlock something worthwhile (some kind of costume change, new weapon or something like that) then I will try and get it, if its something thats really just there to show what you did (Trophies achievemeants of that sort) I really wont go ahead and complete the extra chalenges.
EDIT: Its just confusing to WATCH the ship dodge those things, let alone actually do so.