List Those Free Games!

Started by TheDivine, November 14, 2008, 04:04:07 AM

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Quote from: Irgendein Typ on June 25, 2009, 04:36:42 AM
Cube 2: Sauerbraten
An Open Source FPS similar in (many) ways to Quake. It's about a 200MB download though, so it may take a while on slower connections. It's got quite a few interesting features though, most notably, a (sorta) easy-to-use, in-game level editor. If configured right, it can run fine on most machines.

If your wondering about the strange name by the way, Cube 2 is the name of the engine, and Sauerbraten is the name of the actual game, not sure why "sauerbraten" though.

Sauer = Sour
Braten = Fry/Grill
SauerBraten = Braised Beef


I knew that part, just wasn't sure why they picked the name of a food, but after looking around a bit, it seems the creator of the engine first thought of the idea while eating sauerbraten, so he just decided to use that as a working title, but kept it.


I installed it on my pc; it's largely unfinished from what I can tell...but its an obvious work in project. More emphasis on maps, then models, though. They're in desperate need of models...There's no head model >.> Try going into 3rd person mode (like, the 9 key I think. One of the numbers...) and there's no head. I laughed, but yeah. The hands are also still...textureless...but other then it being a work in model and full of bugs; it'd be interesting to become a part of it.
Are shadows blockades of light, or portals into other realms?


Might be a glitch with your graphics card, normally when switching to third person it should look like this:

Try reporting this bug to the website's bug reports board I'm sure that someone can help you there.

Anyways, back on the main topic, there's also AssaultCube, which is more of a team-based style of gameplay and not as fast-paced as Cube 2. AssaultCube can run well on pretty much any machine as it uses an older engine (Cube 2's predecessor to be exact), and is only a 40MB download. It also has an ingame editor, but it's a bit outdated and more complex to use. Be warned though, when you first start playing, you're going to die alot, trust me


May also be what settings I stuck in there too >.> I unno. Either way >> XD
Are shadows blockades of light, or portals into other realms?

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Battle for Wesnoth, it's that freeware game that sometimes comes with several Linux distros. Gave it a try, and it's pretty fun. It's a TBS game with orcs and elves and stuff.


The Underside just released another preview.
It's a Cave Story kind of game, though with more platforming than exploration.


Quote from: Align on June 30, 2009, 03:20:00 PM
The Underside just released another preview.
It's a Cave Story kind of game, though with more platforming than exploration.

That game's awesome. I love the dialogues in this game.

Also, can you continue the plot after you save the mayor? I got the key to the hotel room and bought the baseball bat, but can't find anything to move forward.


Did you speak to Al and get the third hand? Then go back to the end of the Ruins, near the entrance to Route 66.


I'm confused.

He states Vista users should play the game in W95 mode. How I do that?


Quote from: RMX on June 30, 2009, 05:32:48 PM
That game's awesome. I love the dialogues in this game.

Also, can you continue the plot after you save the mayor? I got the key to the hotel room and bought the baseball bat, but can't find anything to move forward.

I have the 3rd hand, went to some new areas of Route 66, found ladders and a monkey that refuses to teach me how to climb them. No clue where to go.

left (upper and lower) = door between route 66 and ruins
upper right = a bit higher up from the door, on the ruins side

Basically you want to get to Buddy's house again. The pipe is important.

Shiki Tohno

Quote from: Acid on June 30, 2009, 08:28:41 PM
I'm confused.

He states Vista users should play the game in W95 mode. How I do that?
Right click the game executable, Properties, Compatibility Modes.


Fancy Pants Adventure World 1 and World 2. Also by the same programmer, Mirror's Edge 2D, for anyone that liked that game (I myself have never played it).

Police Girl

I can't believe nobody has mentioned SRB2... Version 2.0 just came out too.

Seriously, its 3D Sonic done right...

Black Mage J
Gonna need a beta key from games radar to play the open beta, you get to keep your characters though, so if you dont have a games radar account then make one, the game is worth while. Its a beat-em-up, but with combos, skills specials and all that RPG things, pick gunner, its really good Plus you can catch up to people since most people are 16 levels and under.


Being a Metal Gear (and Christmas) fan, I'm looking forward to this:


Diagonal movement? And knocking down kids without toy guns? I can't wait! >U<

I have to go speed run the first game again to get ready. It was so great. ^^
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It looks like a great improvement compared to the original.

Hopefully, it's longer.


Blood Frontier
Another Open Source FPS. It's currently in the beta stages though, however it's got a nice community, and the lead developer(s) greatly accept user feedback, etc. I'd recommend to get the Development Branch, since it's updated nearly everyday, and is way better than the current release.

Dr. Wily II

I know... But these are fun!

Riddles galore:
(credit to borockman)

(credit to Harruhy)

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Whoa... first person tetris is wacky!

Proud member of Indigo tribe!