Rockman Fanfic Series

Started by DranzerX13, August 07, 2009, 08:40:54 AM

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Updated on 08/07/2009

Have you ever wondered what it'd be like if there was a Rockman anime series? Not talking about Rockman EXE, Ryuusei no Rockman, i'm talking about of the original series. It sucks that an anime of the original series was never made, only an American cartoon of it. Well, now there's going to be a Rockman fanfic series based on all the original Rockman games.

Since most of the original Rockman games have only little cutscenes to go by, I decided to make this as canon as possible but with some added story, some filler. Only a few Original Characters will be in this fanfic series, but they won't ruin the main story. This fanfic series will cover the beginning when Rockman is first created up to the point before Rockman X. I have it all planned out how it will go for the most part, but the co-authors can also submit ideas, too.

Before I begin this project, I need some people that would like to help me with this project.

Author: DranzerX13
Co-Author 1: (Position Available)
Co-Author 2: (Position Available)

I'm aiming to release 1 fanfic story episode per week. if anyone is interested, you can PM me here at this forum, email me ( or message me on Windows Live/MSN, AIM messengers.
Rockman: The Fanfic series

Planned number of fanfic story episodes: 52

Fanfic Episode 1: Enter: Rockman! (Release: TBA)