8+1= movie title

Started by Pringer X, August 01, 2009, 09:12:55 PM

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Pringer X


Apparently Tim Burton is producing it while the guy who made the original short film is directing it. I don't know how well a director the guy is, or how good Burton is as a producer only, but the trailer DOES look good, and it's original as well (ok, so post-apocalyptic world with robots running around doesn't sound original, but hey, I'll take what I can get if it skews away from the usuals enough).


yeah, i saw the trailer before.

looks awesome.


That looks cool actually.

Dr. Wily II

Indeed an awesome trailer.
Nice plot too.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

Been looking forward to this movie for a while now.



Haven't seen the trailer, but damn that looks interesting!

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Pringer X

Bump for the release in less than a week :D

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Drunken Dishwasher

Black Mage J

This looks rather good, im gonna better maybe kinda go watch it.


Only four days left.. opening night. I hope this flick'll live up to the hype, and the "Beasts of 9" contest held on DA.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Sky Child

Pringer X

Well, the movie's been out for some time, so who's seen it? I did over the weekend, and I have to say, parts lived past my expectations, parts right at it, and others below, but in generally, I got what I paid for, and I really enjoyed it.


Just saw it.
I like how it took forever for;
[spoiler]1 to die. [tornado fang]ing douchebag.[/spoiler]

Also, what was 8 doing with the magnet? Tripping balls? Fapping?

Pringer X

Quote from: Harruhy on September 24, 2009, 03:40:07 AM
Also, what was 8 doing with the magnet? Tripping balls? Fapping?

I lol'd at that scene. I think that's actually what sealed the deal for the PG13 rating for Drug use XD


Also, is it just me, or is everyone besides 7 and 9 completely retarded when it comes to actual battle? You'd think 8, with the huge ass sword, would be able to actually do something.

Pringer X

Only 7 and 8 were ever made to combat, the others pretty much had to fend for themselves when it came to fighting knowledge. Not to mention 8 was only in one fight and did do some hefty damage to the thing, and thanks to the other thing's ability, it pretty much put him out of commission without a fight.


pianochan reviews!

visuals: 8/10. graphics are impressive, but character designs are completely nonsensical. though the enemy machines are pretty magnificent, most of the dolls look stupid and their structure makes no sense!

plot: 2/10. things aren't explained as they happen, and it all comes to a ridiculous and frustrating ending. is there magic involved? we don't know. how long has it been since 1 awakened? we don't know. [spoiler]why can't the fragments of the scientist's soul be returned to the bodies of the lost ones after they die? we don't know.[/spoiler] it's simply annoying to try and figure things out in this movie.

characters: 4/10. everyone seems to be a boring stereotype. big dumb tough guy? check. brave guy who chases his beliefs? check. feminine warrior? check. insane guy who happens to be the only one who knows what's going on? check. cowardly old man set in his ways? check. i was bored with absolutely everyone except for 3 and 4. they were cute and didn't have any dialog, which really helped them in comparison to other characters.

overall: 4/10. i wouldn't watch it again. it's an amusing way to kill a few hours, but that's about it.

Protoman Blues

Can't say I disagree with Ms. Pianochan.


Nothing can top Batman Returns. That's just science.

