So far...
Persona 4 The Animation: Ep 11/26. Sort of going at this at my own pace, no need to rush or anything.
One Piece: 229 episodes in. Taking a break for about a month so Collection 10 can come out.
Sailor Moon 90s: Episode 6 of S (95/200), slowed down on this one to catch up on One Piece, I'll get back to it eventually but for now I'm in no rush.
Sailor Moon Crystal: 3/26, I'm caught up for now, ep 4 releases this week and then we have to wait till September 6th till another new episode (Apparently Bi-weekly isn't a concept they desire to adhere to, instead its twice a month regardless. That's so incredibly stupid.)
I'm also stumbling through Ranma 1/2 as well. I think I'm on episode 9 of that.