Which was interesting.
We all expected it. Both the Oberon and Sexton relate to different characters in Shakespeare plays, one of which is the playful fairy king, the other being a gravedigger dressed as a clown. As the character is known as "The Gravedigger", is more into Batman's identity's secret than anyone else, and is acting out behind the scenes, carefully nudging in the right direction for both fun and to bring Bruce back, it could pretty much only be him. I do have a problem with the long chin fitting into the mask, and with a page from a previous issue showing a tiny bit of his neckline and wrist, and it was of a normal skin tone. But since there are references made about the Clown fish, and there is potencial foreshadowing in the whole issues, it would be damn hard not to figure it out.
...sorry, I was nerding out. What again?