It could be that Legends 3 is under developpment but they just DON'T talk about it.
No Vexan! this is impossible and BLABLA-- Yeah sure. at least read what I have to say >.>...
Ok so. let's say they are currently developping Legends 3 in Secret, while none of us suspects with our minds focused either on Operate Shooting Star or Nothing ( for the Haters >.>.. -sigh- ) when Capcom's gonna come with Epic Trailers we're going to go crazy over it, this possibility is at 50% chance I'd say.. preparing something epic in secret.. for now.
Ok, what if they tell us right now they started Legends 3? CAPCOM GIVE US A TRAILER and it would never end, they might even get to release something too soon because the fans want to see anything as soon as possible.
Everything comes to light with Time. I'm waiting patiently.. like all of you guys, but I believe capcom's really preparing it in secret without telling us FOR NOW.
After all, after 22 years at Capcom, why would they refuse Inafune such a request? Come on.
That's all I have to say for now.