Worst posts you have ever read.

Started by Sub Tank, May 28, 2009, 01:53:54 AM

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Sub Tank

Some guy on GameFAQs was having a serious debate that he should not wash his hands after wiping his butt, because he claimed that his hands were being physically shielded by the toilet paper.

I'm never shaking anyone's hand ever again.


Or ITT I pull up GAF gold:

Quote from: Muppet345Square just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an [dark hold]. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.

Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.

And here's the video (yes, that's him in the video):


any post where someone bitches that a game is no longer exculsively on their system of choice is a stupid post.

those who do FIRST! are really annoying. the only thing more annoying than that is when some one does SECOND!

one of the worst things i've seen here (at least one forum crash ago) was something along the lines of

QuoteMega Man sucks! You guys should play cool games like Zelda.

this is a Mega Man board for crying out loud. related to that, any troll post is terrible. unless it's funny.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Tickle Buffalo

QuoteSo, I was in a nightclub with my friends (yeah, all three of them) and I wasn't feeling happy at all.
A friend of mine was into that NLP thing and asked me to remember something that makes me feel happy.

And I started thinking about Francesca...
The problem is, suddenly every girl in the club was fugly compared to Francesca. That made me even more depressed.

tl,dr Strike Witches made my standard for women too [tornado fang]ing high. Now I don't think any 3d woman is pretty;

(The Francesca in this post is a character from an anime.)

Emiri Landeel


I actually enjoyed that...

And sub tank, you don't have hands....

Emiri Landeel

Me too
I posted that cos it's so funny & bad at the same time  XD

Strider Xhaiden

I like how matter-of-fact that final line is.

Edit: Ah, here it is.

My Twitch channel. Random streams during the week.
Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation


pockemun badle plz but u hav 2 let me win


in my 7-8 years on the internets you'd think i'd have something good to post..

Quote from: Tsukagami on May 28, 2009, 04:38:46 PM
what part of "worst" did you miss?

Rock Bomb


This is why I don't visit Gaia anymore.


actually, here have some B^Uckley antics.


The one about a reverse b that was a d XD

Gotham Ranger

Oh man, if I could remember some of the worst posts I've ever read. Ten nearly a decade online and I've forgotten all the good ones.

Though, the best stuff comes from tourneyfags of any type, especially the Pokemon ones. Another great place is.. Well.. Gaia. I avoid it because I enjoy my mind not being my brain remaining solid.

And Sonic sites. Oh man.


I know I've read some really, really bad posts over the years, I just can't seem to think of any off-hand.  Mainly 'cause I no doubt blocked 'em out. 

Oh wait...  A few years back, there was a really bad ill-informed [sonic slicer] session about Muslims on the MMN, and once the poster realized he was the only one who felt that way, and once I started pulling out the Quran, then he locked and deleted the topic.

But not before I had saved the entire topic.  I just don't have it on this computer.  It was really stupid, though, the level of ignorance.

Gotham Ranger

Any post involving the infamous troll known as Wetflame.


Altough posting a screenshot here or something would be futile(because this is in polish), bur every post made by "StH-SAN(Yes. San. And YES. StH stands for SONIC THE HEDGEHOG).

He appeared some time ago on a certain dying Sonic forum(where everyone doesn't give two shits about Sonic anymore) and started talking nonsense, about "time of sonic returning", and that the "entire forum should repent for their sins against Sonic" and [parasitic bomb] like that.
Now he can't post anymore, but he can post in the shoutbox. And he mostly posts using really bad english, that would put even a Gaia resident to shame.

Also, every post of the type: "OLD GAMES ARE [parasitic bomb] THEY ARE NOT EVEN 3D SUXXX". It was also said by a certain retarded(also polish, go figure) Sonic "fan", who called himself Eggmen. And guess what, he started his Sanyk Adventure with... Sonic X.

[tornado fang].


Hmm, extremely hard question, I usually forgot any bad posts but the examples above are enough to make me  -AC.

But I always hate post by people who argues for some silly argument and always attacking people without reasons.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Strider Xhaiden

Quote from: borockman on May 29, 2009, 03:33:02 PM
But I always hate post by people who argues for some silly argument and always attacking people without reasons.

Doesn't that sum up about half the posts on this forum, whether they're being serious or not?
My Twitch channel. Random streams during the week.
Currently streaming: Transformers: Devastation


Quote from: Quickman on May 29, 2009, 08:31:01 AM
I know I've read some really, really bad posts over the years, I just can't seem to think of any off-hand.  Mainly 'cause I no doubt blocked 'em out. 

Oh wait...  A few years back, there was a really bad ill-informed [sonic slicer] session about Muslims on the MMN, and once the poster realized he was the only one who felt that way, and once I started pulling out the Quran, then he locked and deleted the topic.

But not before I had saved the entire topic.  I just don't have it on this computer.  It was really stupid, though, the level of ignorance.

Thank you.


Quote from: Robo-Ky Mk. III on May 29, 2009, 09:48:29 PM
Doesn't that sum up about half the posts on this forum, whether they're being serious or not?

Hmm, actually I'm thinking more about serious argument. It's more like... two posters quoting each other points for God knows how many pages, without contributing whatsoever tot he topic at hand. I found this especially in One Piece, Bleach, Naruto thread on another forum besides RPM...

Yeah, there are silly arguments here sometimes, but at least it doesn't drag that much...

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Generally any post on Kotaku concerning a Wii game where someone says "I wish this were for the Xbox 360/PS3".

It's like those people just want to hate the Wii and the Wii having some good exclusive games prevents them from doing just that. So if those good games were to be ported to their system of choice, then they can continue to hate the Wii.

This even happened with Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom being announced for the states. Not to mention that the 360/PS3 fanboys are getting Marvel Vs Capcom 2 like they wanted.

What the [tornado fang] is wrong with people?


I have almost nothing against Youtube except that sometimes they psot false informstion or any fanwanking post that leads to nothing and allows them to creste theories that re generally accepted but are just not true.

ST Jestah

Quote from: LazyMan on May 30, 2009, 10:44:49 AM
Generally any post on Kotaku concerning a Wii game where someone says "I wish this were for the Xbox 360/PS3".

It's like those people just want to hate the Wii and the Wii having some good exclusive games prevents them from doing just that. So if those good games were to be ported to their system of choice, then they can continue to hate the Wii.

This even happened with Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom being announced for the states. Not to mention that the 360/PS3 fanboys are getting Marvel Vs Capcom 2 like they wanted.

What the [tornado fang] is wrong with people?

I find this kind of post in gametrailers as well, they are very annoying, and that's putting it mildly.

Devia Luna

This sort of thing really only applies to the furry fandom, but any post saying something along the lines of, "people need to stop the fursecution!" I loathe that word...