Make a Wish and have it horribly corrupted, RPM Edition!

Started by Flame, November 10, 2008, 03:30:11 AM

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Granted, then you will drown in the mutant money slime

-_- I wish Zero didn't die in Zero 4 -_-


Sakura Leic

Granted but they make an extremly sucky Zero 5 that doesn't even make sense anymore.

I wish I wasn't so dang lazy.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


Granted, you now have ADD.

I wish my artist's block would stop blocking me.


Granted, but you want nothing more then to draw old, ugly, naked men.

I wish that I didn't have these goddamn bites on my arm..


Granted. The bites are now on your legs and the worst is that these are from a vampire.
I wish to become the very death itself.

Frozen Potato

Granted....but death came to you before you succeded to became one.

i wish i wasnt too lazy.....

The Slacker Hunter

Granted, but now you'll never stop working.

I wish I had a bowl of ice cream.
If you are reading this then that means that I have managed to control your mind even if for a short period of time.


Granted, but it melted and now it's all over you.

I wish I had some better sounds.

Police Girl

Granted, now you always make noises from the SFX guy in "Police Academy"

I wish I existed in the Geass Timeline instead of this one.

Frozen Potato

Granted,but you appear just to be a normal civilian/unimportant character in that timeline and dead for being caught in the blast from those knightmare frames

i wish this day never lasted~

Police Girl

Granted, It lasts...

I wish this world was conjoined with the Geass world, Damnit! 8D


granted , but you would still be a civilian,noone special

I wish i could marry model ZX! owo

Police Girl

Granted, But now you are married to both Model Z and Model X.

I wish I could build Knightmare Frames...


Granted, but they're figures.

I wish I could make music come out of my hands and make swords appear from the soles of my feet and make slash harkens shoot out of my stomach and could turn my left arm into a shield and cast uber magick spells with my right.

Dr. Wily II

Granted, now you are a freak of nature, even in magic standards.

I wish that there is no thing as assignments.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Granted , now there is just work   ;)

I wish i had every biometal

Police Girl

Granted, but you can't use them because you dont have Alberts DNA.

I wish I had some Coke Orange...

Sniper X

Granted, but you get Coke Apple instead.

I wish I magical creatures are true, and I'm the only one who can see them.


Granted , but the Magical Creatures are rabid and kill you knowing you can see them

I wish i had biometal Z, X, L, and alberts DNA

Police Girl

Granted, but L is stolen and the perpetrator kills you without breaking a sweat.

I wish the god damn snow would go away...


Granted , bit its replaced with lava

I wish i had a Z-saber :P


Granted, you stab yourself to death with it.

I wish that I had awesome theme music.

Sniper X

Granted, but someone stole your awesome them music.

I wish my right arm is robotic.


Granted , but it short circuts

I wish zero didnt have booblights

Frozen Potato