Could SEGA Be Coming Back Into The Console Market?! [Hype Index at Orange Alert]

Started by Jericho, May 13, 2009, 05:03:34 PM

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- 05/11/09

Today we would like to present to you part 1 of our world exclusive report in which we shed light on SEGA SAMMY's plan for a HD casual system in development since 2007 and scheduled for worldwide release for the holiday season of 2010.


At the end of 1999 SEGA held a press conference where they laid out their hardware ambitions and talked extensively about broadband and a whole host of future technologies. Shoichiro Irimajiri was stated here as saying that SEGA would strike back with a vengeance in the next millenium. By Spring 2000 Irimajiri-san was already tasked with heading the development of SEGA's next console, Irimajiri was stated as saying that it would be a joint venture with numerous companies because the future box would do more than just play videogames thus they had to partner with cable companies, telecommuncation companies and Hollywood conglomerates. The aim for the design was a single chip solution measuring in at 250 million transistors ready for a Q4 2004 worldwide release. What is not known by the mainstream is that SEGA at this time was also in early stages of development for a 3D handheld which was to be based on the chip that went on to be known as the MBX developed by Imagination Technologies PowerVR division. The PowerVR MBX hit silicon in 2002 about the time SEGA had initially planned on launching a new Game Gear. This device would have beaten the PSP to market by 2 years. All of these plans where scrapped however by Isao Okawa who foresaw a software future for the company, the rest of the company however where vehemently against the idea of software only.

Fast forward a few years to early 2003 when Hideki Sato and the rest of SEGA's high level executives were desperately in search for either a merger or even a sale of the company. The discussions where being held with Sammy, Namco, EA and Microsoft. Again what is not known to the general public is that the reason for SEGA's desperation was that at this very moment SEGA had yet another system in development which had a worldwide target ship date of Q4 2005. This system would have competed against what went on to be known as the XBOX360 and Sony's PS3. The system was designed around a PowerVR Series 5 GPU and an unknown CPU, using standard DVD it was to be a cost/performance solution targeting a $300 launch price tag whilst simultaneously incorporating equal 3D throughput as the higher priced offerings by the competition. SEGA and Imagination Technologies on the 18th of March 2004 released a press release regarding the development of the chip for arcade use. Come Jamma 2005 when the world was expecting SEGA to unveil it's PowerVR based arcade board everyone was shocked to learn of the LINDBERGH which was basically a PC tower with an nVidia 6800GT and a Intel Pentium 4 3GHz Prescott. Whatever happened to the PowerVR based integrated silicon arcade board? Simple, the console that was to be based on the arcade board was scrapped by the newly formed SEGA SAMMY. With no console counterpart for the arcade board it wasn't financially feasible to spend tens and indeed hundreds of millions of dollars on integrated silicon thus SEGA quietly without telling anyone just took a mother board and slotted in components from a mid range PC from 2004 and called it "LINDBERGH". The PowerVR Series 5 whose development SEGA funded lived on however as the PowerVR SGX series of mobile GPU's. The Series 5 architecture was designed to be highly scaleable, low end parts for mobile phones and high end parts for arcade boards and consoles, unfortunately the world never got to see the performance of the higher end variants.

So to recap -

There was a next gen system in development in 2000 which was scrapped by owner Isao Okawa and there was a next gen system in development in 2003/2004 which was scrapped by Isao Okawa's friend and new owner Hajime Satomi.

Present and Future

With the Nintendo Wii hitting retail and gaining worldwide superstardom of the likes never witnessed SEGA SAMMY once again immediately got to work on another system with orders from the boss himself Satomi-san. This system shall be a HD casual console and is designed to compete with the successor to the Wii. The design of the system FGN can officially confirm was finalised in late 2008, it's arcade variant goes by the name "RINGEDGE" the specifications of the system are as follows.

The chosen CPU is the Intel Pentium E2160 Allendale 1.8GHz Dual-Core Processor, the GPU of choice is the Shader Model 4.0 compliant 9600GSO with 384 MB GDDR3 RAM, System memory measuring 1GB DDR2-800. Other features include an onboard HD audio DSP, 32GB SSD, standard DVD, and WiFi connectivity. SEGA SAMMY plans on shipping the system with two controllers, a motion sensing remote and one which looks similar to the Saturn 3D controller. One for casual gaming the other for non-casual. To top this off SEGA SAMMY shall be using a stripped down version of Microsoft's Windows Embedded Standard 2009 for ease of development. This particular version differs from the standard version where only the DirectX functionality is included, the standard edition costs $90 per shipping device. As SEGA SAMMY's version doesn't include the non gaming features SEGA SAMMY has managed to get a hold of the OS for less than half of that cost.

SEGA SAMMY plans on launching the system in time for the holiday season of 2010 for no less than $200 and no more than $250. The company doesn't plan on publically acknowledging the project this year, thus an official announcement won't take place until 1H 2010.

Stay tuned for part 2 of our world exclusive where we shed light on SEGA SAMMY's consumer plans for the "RINGWIDE"

I. WANT. TO. BELIEVE. *Mind asplode*

Also, Jet Set Radio 3 on launch day or bust. XD

EDIT - Woah, I forgot the source and notes on this one as well. XD

I guess the hype was blinding. Anyways, the stuff before the supposed new console specs actually shed some light on some very interesting developments. And of course, here is your source. I'm kinda skeptical since I haven't heard about these guys before, but dammit I want to believe. XD

SEGA faithful, we weren't looking at 9/9/09, but 10/10/10. It makes sense, it's the logical progression! XD

Emiri Landeel

Sonic the Hedgehog 4(Old school 2d) @ launch day  O^O

one can dream lolz


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Actually, I forgot something:

Backwards compatible with Dreamcast & Saturn plz? Show the other two clowns (Sony & MS) how it's done. XD



Now uh... I guess I'll have to be the devil's advocate. Now, as much as I'd personally like a new Sega System, I have to take a step back and take a good look at this. I'm not sure that many third party companies will want to support it, considering what happened in the past. Also, most consumers will have a hard time picking between 4 major consoles... I mean, 3 is tough as it is. It'll be an uphill battle for Sega if this is true, but it's up to them. Good luck Sega, may this go better than some of your previous outings.


I'm the same as you Fxeni, barring my blind nostalgic outcries earlier. XD

The thing about this to me is that if SEGA positions itself well, I could see this 4 console future working surprisingly enough. If they go all out towards snatching the majority of the cake from Nintendo next generation and manage to keep them as their only competitors then the market could essentially see two segments next time around with Nintendo/SEGA on one side & Sony/Microsoft on the other.

Thing about that is, it's going to take nothing short of the most brilliant business sense ever in order to pull this off in a way that everyone thrives and SEGA makes a profit. To put it bluntly, SEGA would need a Wii (not the Wii) in every sense of what it means.


I really want to return to the old days of Ninty Vs. Sega.

But 4 consoles is just too much.

Protoman Blues

I'm kinda mixed about this, and how it could turn out.  It is very possible that this system could do extremely well, due to the plethora of gamers out there who have been left high and dry for so long, and are really really itching for another SEGA console.  Also, I don't think that a new SEGA system would do bad in Japan at all.  It's more the US market that's the issue.   Plus, again, it's 4 Consoles. 

However, I've always been of the mind where more choices is better, and since I don't actually pay for my consoles, my only issue is finding room!   8D



Hell, I'd buy it. Day 1. 8D

But seriously. While I've gone on to basically anex Sony's consoles into the role that Sega's used to own (road dawgs with my Nintendo ones), it's just not been the same.

So, I would definitely love to see Sega's triumphant return to the market. With new and exciting development teams like Platinum Games on their side, as well as always reliable staff, such as AM2 and the dudes behind the likes of Ryu Ga Gotoku and Jet Set Radio, they could definitely make a compelling case for a solid line-up for 1st party coverage. And I could easily see the likes of Capcom, Arc Systems, Treasure and SNK, at least, sitting and paying attention, if a new (and ESPECIALLY) affordable alternative to the PS3 and 360 was available, while also offering a decidedly different flavor to Nintendo's own. Sega was the undisputed rival to Nintendo back in the day (Sega does what NintenDON'T! 8D), because Sega had some serious Swagg, back in the day.

My only thing would be, would they be poised to be still relevant, at this point in time? I mean, the main reason the Saturn and Dreamcast failed, was due to some poor marketing decisions on Sega's part. And for all that the DC was, for all sakes and puposes, a competent rival to the PS2, it couldn't make up for the failings of its immediate ancestry. Would Sega laying fallow for about a decade, be enough for people to be willing to trust them again? I'd love to think as such.

If nothing else, having a console that would just be an immediate home equivalent to whatever Sega has in store for the arcade market would be enough to make me happy.  :D

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Viewtiful Ben on May 13, 2009, 08:04:40 PM
If nothing else, having a console that would just be an immediate home equivalent to whatever Sega has in store for the arcade market would be enough to make me happy.  :D

100% Agreed.  Hopefully....TWIN STICKS VIRTUAL ON AGAIN! 

Oh, and a new Power Stone 3 would be nice too!


Quote from: Nekomata on May 13, 2009, 06:44:47 PM

Pretty much this.

Also, I'm not taking this as news since it's not from a site that can be deemed as a reputable place (unless someone cares to immediately prove me wrong) and we always get one of these "NEW SEGA CONSOLE" rumors/stories every year. Sega is in no position to re-enter with a fiercely competitive market and the fact the holdings company is bleeding money all over the place still.


Quote from: STM on May 13, 2009, 08:33:58 PM
Also, I'm not taking this as news since it's not from a site that can be deemed as a reputable place (unless someone cares to immediately prove me wrong)

freewebs is very reliable~ :3
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
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What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


^ I do agree

I don't wanna get my hopes up for something that I'm not entirely sure will happen yet.  -_-
"This hand of mine glows with an awesome power! It's burning grip tells me to defeat you! Take this! My love, my anger, and all of my sorrow! Shining Finger!!~ "

"This hand of mine is burning red! It's loud roar tells me to grasp victory! Erupting...Burning...FINGER!!!~"
That one Nun...


Pretty sure this just slammed the door shut on this one.

Sammy, perhaps you might want to cut back on pachinko maybe?

Tickle Buffalo


2 years of being in the red, and they want to spend to create a console when there's 3?

I think they'd be better off making a handheld.
...that doesn't take 6 AA batteries.

Quote from: Tickle Buffalo on May 14, 2009, 07:00:52 AM
What the [tornado fang] is a casual console?

I'm guessing something like the Wii is; not as powerful graphically, doesn't cost a whole lot to make, aimed at the non-FPS/graphic-hog crowds.


Quote from: Aldo on May 14, 2009, 07:07:08 AMI'm guessing something like the Wii is; not as powerful graphically, doesn't cost a whole lot to make, aimed at the non-FPS/graphic-hog crowds.

Since when did expensive to produce consoles with powerful graphics and catering to the FPS/graphic-hog crowds become a "hardcore" console? 'Cause that's what you're insinuating right thar.

Wanna know what's really a casual system? The [tornado fang]ing I-touch/I-phone. Those games play, for all intents and purposes, like flash games.

Oh, and before you bring up the mountains of shovelware for the Wii; every generation had them. Just because the Wii has shovelware now doesn't mean that it never existed. It's only more obvious now because Nintendo isn't making games at the pace of the Gamecube era to give third party developers a chance at actually selling something on the Wii. Whether that has worked or not is debateable.

Sky Child



Protoman Blues

If they do make a system, I think they should call it the SEGA SEGA 


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~