Started by Sky Child, November 09, 2008, 09:29:39 AM

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Dr. Wily II

I like HighWire, all spidey-like.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Sky Child


Posted on: December 15, 2008, 07:25:34 PM

The first Alice was courageous
Sword in one hand Wonderland
She cut many things down
Creating a truly red path
The Alice, deep in the forest
Locked inside such as a prisoner
Anyone to pass through the forest
Has no way of knowing she lived



Go ahead.  Click it.  Then change your pants.


Quote from: Quickman on December 16, 2008, 06:36:14 AM

Go ahead.  Click it.  Then change your pants.

Great video, horrible song.


I am just gonna leave that in here, some people might be offended, because it is GOSH..humor!
Flok's favorites:

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


====The Merging of the Minds====

Remember that one TARDIS wiki article I was working on a while back?  I'm working on it again.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


You really love that pic, don't you?  XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Sky Child

http://notessimo.net/listen.php?id=15407 New content 28-31

They are following the path in the forest
They stop for tea time under the Rose Tree
They have an invitation from Wonderland Castle
The Card of Hearts

....wow that's still there?



The Sweetest Place on Earth!  Where I can get chocolate straight from the source.


My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.




Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote<Enochf|work>   Holy [parasitic bomb], look at that Lando expansion...
   <SoresuMakashi>   Expansion of what part of Lando??? O_o
   <BadFraajicofEvil>   O_o
   * BadFraajicofEvil   is tempted to QDB that but fears its deletion as "too [ray splasher]-joke-oriented"
   * BadFraajicofEvil   is now tempted to QDB his last statement for self-referencial humor, but is also refraining.
   * BadFraajicofEvil   could say the same thing about that last comment, too.
   * TrakNar   just laughs.
   <SoresuMakashi>   Anyone here got the feeling that the CT image got a bit brighter?
   * BadFraajicofEvil   is now building his comments in hope someone else will QDB this so he won't take the blame for its inevitable deletion.
   <BadFraajicofEvil>   Dammit look at the hole I've dug myself into!
   <TrakNar>   Ah hell, I'll do it.

Ah, Wookieepedia IRC... and Lando's expansion.

Sky Child

I would make a sex joke... but my ears are blown out from this loud scene.

^ Bahaha

Protoman Blues

Oh right, the new Cellphone I want!


Dr. Wily II


^ Hmm... Trying to find this pic is hard...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues


Are you the early bird, Archer

Apparently so... although I have no idea why I copied that.

And yesss~ 200th post.

Dr. Wily II


^ LOL, it's still there... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.