it to someone who erroneously cited Galactus as originating from the movie. They angered Comic Nerd Quickie.
Posted on: August 18, 2009, 10:30:30 AM
SFX: Ship fly-by from right to left speaker.
LANDO: "What? Wait... that looks like Boba Fett's ship. {Beat} It seems to be coming in for a landing..."
SFX: Ship land in left speaker. Hatch open. Footsteps walk out. Hatch close.
LANDO: "Well, this isn't good. {Beat} What's Boba Fett doing here?"
SFX: Footsteps walk from left speaker to middle and stop. Cape rustle.
LANDO: "Better make sure he can't see me behind this landing strut..."
SFX: Footsteps continue to right speaker and fade.
LANDO: "He's gone! {Beat} Hoo boy, good thing, too. {Beat} Last thing a guy like me needs is to fall into the hands of some bounty hunter! {Beat} Well, better get moving. No sense waiting around here..."
SFX: Footsteps walking right to left speaker and fade.
Uh... working.