Eh, Dylan's still butthurt about Star Fox 2. It's why Command is what it is; he wanted to use as much from SF2 as possible. Look at how that turned out. The one thing I do agree with is taking Fox out of the Arwing being a horrible, horrible idea though.
As far as Cuthbert not being involved in SF64... I'll just point out that all SF64 is is a blending of the first Star Fox along with gameplay elements of Star Fox 2. Hell, I'm willing to say that the very reasons SF64 is liked as much as it is come from his work in SF2. That said, he's obviously lost his touch, probably due to being butthurt by SF2's unreleased condition. He wants to protect his baby, but can't, so he's edgy on the whole topic of Star Fox.
I liked Adventures, because I took it as a spinoff of the regular series. Now, as for Assault... the Arwing segments are awesome, the rest not so much. Command... look. The issue is the free 3D movement. Star Fox feels so much better as a linear action game with some free roaming segments as Boss Stages to make them special. When they're used all the time (eg. Assault and Command) then they're tiresome and dull. If I want to play free-roaming 3D segments, I'll go play another series that does it better. For Star Fox, give me my damn linear corridor gameplay.