Rockman Betas, Trials, Promos and scrapped projects. The more rare, the better.

Started by VixyNyan, March 25, 2009, 11:40:24 PM

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Awesome. I hope we get our hands on that Trial, and see the insides.

Also, I'm surprised no one is even trying to get that Rockman X3 prototype. I know it's $1000, but if we could just work together....

EDIT: Hell I'll donate some money now if we act.


The problem with "all of us working together" to own something like that is that only one person can actually own it while the others have, basically, just gifted the money.

marshmallow man

The fair way to go about it is to have the rom dumped so that all fans can enjoy it. If it costs less to have them dump it, that would be beneficial, but if it must be purchased in full, then maybe the greatest contributor should receive it and everyone else would make do with a rom dump, provided the dump must be made some way or another and that it is playable via emulators. It's still a high amount to accumulate even pooling funds, though...

The Great Gonzo

I'm not sure about the build of that second screenshot, but the first one was definitely an early preview.

Hey, remember those previews of Megaman 3 that called Protoman "Bruce"? 8D I dunno how far along they were, so to speak, but they might be worth scanning if anyone has 'em. I'll try to find that SF1 preview I mentioned forever ago.


The Ice Man screenshot looks just the same as the final build, the Japanese version and all. ^^
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


A removed "washing room" from TMOTB reveals the Bonne's distaste for the Sega Dreamcast...


Any idea what the text below the crossed out DC logo says?

mega rock.exe

I don't know if this counts...

The following items have names in the MMSF1 rom.  They are not used, but intriguing.


There are also full names for weapons that are never used.
[spoiler]Pointed Fangs
Slashing Claws
Bear Ring
Cobra Fangs
Blinding Eye
Thief's Armband
Power Ring
Demon's Eye
RapidFire Claw
Steel Fist
Hammer Glove
Zenny Finder
Card Finder
Sweet Mirage
Kaiser Knuckle
Magic Breath
FM Bracelet
StarForce Power
BNet Blaster[/spoiler]

MMSF2 has an ability called Six Star that does nothing.

All the BN games (except 1) and SF games have a little section of text reserved for debugging.  They are described briefly and the effect, when put into normal play, works like it described.

See them here.

mega rock.exe

I'm not entirely sure, either.  That was in the debug, which is strange because it doesn't belong there.


I sound dumb dont I? well I'm still a newb to this site so how do I post things....? Like my own topic?
I'm making a megaman fan game, if you think your good at making mug shots and/or data cards and can help me out, pelase contact me right away.


I don't want to bother downloading a fan-translated or Japanese ROM of that Famicom Rockboard game, so I'm taking a risk by asking this.

Did the Japanese game feature some Romaji or even some English text? I asked this because as I was going old articles about old games and I stumbled upon this Spanish article about Capcom and in it, features a screen-shot of the game in English. It's called "Mega Board" in the article, but I would think it's because its following the "use only localized name" rule.

Here's the exact screen:

Upon analyzing it further, it also mentions something about Super Mega Man (Early Mega Man X name). If anything, this game was translated into English at the time.


No, I don't believe that there was any english text in the game... I just checked a minute ago and didn't see any. So that could very well be a photo of a working english translation to Rockboard.


hey. i'm new here. i'm working on a beta mega man legends 2 article for unseen64, and i was just wondering if any of you could help? i've never played the game, so i can't realy tell what is and isn't beta.

here's what i've got:

video. according to protodude, it's mostly just gameplay from the MML2 demo disk that came with the japanese version of Missadventures of Tron Bonne, but starting at about 1:08, a village not used in the final game is supposed to be seen. having never played the game, i can't tell myself.


unused characters/enemies. these are taken from the Rockman Dash 2 art book.

These are from at least august of 99, roughly 8 months prior to japanese release.

These are from at least october of 99, roughly 6 months prior to japanese release.

if any of this proves to be in the final, let me know and i'll exclude it.


Quote from: bowsersenemythis one... took a while. i hope there's something here, i realy do.

video. according to protodude, it's mostly just gameplay from the MML2 demo disk that came with the japanese version of Missadventures of Tron Bonne, but starting at about 1:08, a village not used in the final game is supposed to be seen. having never played the game, i can't tell myself.
That video is a goldmine of DASH prototype stuff. Seen it a while though.

Quote from: bowsersenemyThese are from at least october of 99, roughly 6 months prior to japanese release.

These are pictures from Rockman DASH 2: Episode 1 demo that was included "Tron ni Kobun" (The Japanese version of Misadventures of Tron Bonne). Which may or may not be a prototype it self.

Quote from: bowsersenemy
This is definately not in the final version. Its actually part of that unseen town that's in that video you pointed out, which isn't even in that Rockman DASH 2: Episode 1 demo.

Quote from: bowsersenemy

if any of this proves to be in the final, let me know and i'll exclude it.
There's something about these two here that bug me.
First one is that the Homing Missile's texture is navy blue when in the final it's a grayish one. I'll check here and see if that train looks the same too.

Also, interesting thing to share here: Rockman DASH Material Artbook.


hello, bowsersenemy again with more beta, this time, Mega Man X Command Mission. just curious if anyone here knows of anything i missed, of if i'm calling any of this beta when i shouldn't be:

Demo Videos

There's some unused dialoge between the characters, namely what Cinnamon says to you... that, and the fact that she's even where she is doesn't make much sense. The fight with Wild Jango starts VERY differently in the final, and although the battle area is right, how you get there, is WAY off. Also, you go into battle with X, Zero, and Axl. In the final version, all you have at your side is Spider, but then, in this demo, almost everything is out of order, so I just assume it's a demo from E3 or something, which would make sense. In the final, the voices and text are in english, instead of like in the videos. Also, these were uploaded to IGN on august 6th i think, at least a month before american release, and just after japanese release.


Prototype(?) version

In these, the most notable difference is that X is in his standard form. No special colors, just standard X. In the final, he looks MUCH different. And to those that have played the game themselves, notice the vendor for the shop just to the right of X? Vendor my eye, that's an enemy!Also, the attack seen in the In Battle picture, is currently unknown. It appears to be a Final Strike. Also of note, the Battle HUD is different from next version's, and also different from the final. And, take notice and compare the Battle HUD in this version, the the one in the next version. Something odd going on here.

Version 2 (beta)

Here can be seen a few differences from the final. Dialoge is different, battle HUD is different, and so is the map.


I wanted to do a special point out for the above pictures. Character mugshots are in the "turn" lineup, that aren't even in the battle at the moment. Also, I could be wrong, but, I don't think you can switch characters mid battle, and even if you could, how could it predict something that hasn't been set yet? My personal guess is that there was more to the battle system planned at this stage of development. Also of note, is that the Battle HUD is the EXACT SAME in all three pics, so at this point, it's just as possible that the HUD is just an overlaying image. Look at the numbers used for the character stats even. they go in almost perfect sequence. i mean, X's life energy and weapon energy put together, read 1234567, then zero's reads 7890234, axl's reads 3456456.

Version 3 (near final)

There's not alot here that's different from the final, but still of note, is the fact that the beta map is still in use. The final map, isn't too much different than the beta map in either version, but one very noticable difference is the white lines on the right and bottom sides are gone in the final.

Now then. Like I said, if there's something I missed, please let me know, or if there's something i'm calling beta and isn't, let me know that too.


Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


which one? the first one, or the one that is identical in 3 different pictures?


The one that looks different. The other one is from a point where they had already included the final one.
the one that shows full faces and has that round thing.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Since I recently received my Rockman DASH CFC Demo disc I've been trying to find if there is anything left over in it. Going through ROCK_NEO.exe turned up the following things:

Beginning at Offset 0005A440 It lists out the directories and files used to compile this demo.
Neither of these files are on the CD though. Probably not worth much though judging by their names.

Next interesting item appears around offset 0005D7A0
ðò...... NORMAL......¨.. BUSTER......¸.. M_GUN.......È.. SHOT........Ø.. DRILL.......è.. BOMB........ø.. SPREAD......... VACUUM.....................................F... NORMAL.....F¨.. BUSTER.............¾... HELMET.....¾¨.. HAIR...............F@.. ON.........FP.. OFF.........@.. TYPE A......P.. TYPE B.....¾@.. SMALL......¾P.. BIG....

Looks like we have a weapon list for the first part:
Normal - obviously when you can't use your buster
Buster - obvious =P
M_GUN - Machine gun
SHOT - ?? A different name for the Powered Buster possibly?
Drill - Drill Arm
Bomb - Splash Mine most likely
Then SPREAD and VACUUM are obvious.

Next bit that's interesting is the Helmet text, I'm curious if there is some way to turn on Mega Man's helmet since from earlier videos he started out with the helmet.
They Type A, Type B is most likely just the control choices
No clue what SMALL/BIG are though.

Possibly later on tonight I was going to try changing the On to Off or the Off to On to see if it has any results with gameplay.

Has anyone found anything else going through any of the files?
>Mega Man Zero 4
>Ragnarok Core
>120 Seconds


Just a few months ago, I found a YouTube video called ファミコンスペースワールド'93最新情報 and it contained footage of Rockman 6 on FC and Rockman X featuring that P Bar. Take a look

Rockman 6 = 0:12
Rockman X = 0:28



Even more intresting is the lack of stage music, guess they got everything down BUT that, it was also near completion.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


I agree. Also, maybe its just me, but the mid charged shot doesnt look green here.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Quote from: Keiji Dragon on January 30, 2010, 09:09:09 AM
I don't want to bother downloading a fan-translated or Japanese ROM of that Famicom Rockboard game, so I'm taking a risk by asking this.

Did the Japanese game feature some Romaji or even some English text? I asked this because as I was going old articles about old games and I stumbled upon this Spanish article about Capcom and in it, features a screen-shot of the game in English. It's called "Mega Board" in the article, but I would think it's because its following the "use only localized name" rule.

Here's the exact screen:

Upon analyzing it further, it also mentions something about Super Mega Man (Early Mega Man X name). If anything, this game was translated into English at the time.

There's very little Eng. text in RockBoard, and none whatsoever during that particular event depicted in the screenshot. I think you've stumbled upon a most interesting discovery: a cancelled English version of RockBoard!


Hey guys, just letting you know that I was the one that scanned that magazine for the Lost Levels ( ).

The news has been spreading around and the credit is being given to Keiji. Which is not particularly amusing since I sent the same information to several sites (months ago) and I was ignored.