Gotham's Mega Man Rush

Started by Gotham Ranger, March 23, 2009, 08:25:06 AM

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Gotham Ranger

And Mega Man 5 is down! The last few games felt a bit bleh but 5 just stood up to 2 and I think 2 is the best of the lot. Sure, we all knew Wily was behind the fake Proto Man, but whatever.

Though, for what its worth, I think Capcom should've kept Cossack around for Mega Man 5, seeing as Wily was crushed in 3. Have Cossack escape in MM4, do the big "My daughter was hostage!" in 5 with the whole ominous black mailer, than boom, Mr. X in 6.

Of course, what with III and IV, at least Cossack would've been in one of the gameboy games. Not sure about IV, though. Hmm.


Cossack helps you out in Rockman 5 Complete Works (and MM5 on the Anniversary Collection).

Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Gotham Ranger

Hmm, I did not know that. Though I meant in a antagonistic role, its good to see that Capcom didn't forget about the good doctor.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

And the best part:
Crashman, Skullman, Dr.Wily Stages and etc
If you wanted switch Navi mode.


And IIRC, he supposedly creates Beat with the circuit plates you acquire in the game.

Gotham Ranger

Megaman World IV down, which means I get to play the handheld oddity, Mega Man for the Game Gear. Woohoo!

Also, Crystal Man's level really pissed me off

Update: I also just finished Mega Man for the Game Gear. Odd little game, it is. The only have 2 shots on screen really fucks you up in the little bit I played in Hard Mode because those space mets love to avoid your shots. The bosses were program just to jump around like idiots and Wily was a disappointment.

But its down! I may go back and do a hard mode run of it. Not sure. Anyways, time for Mega Man 6.

Son of Update: And I just finished Mega Man 6! I kinda blasted through it, didn't I? Even took a break before tackling the Mr. X/Dr. Wily fortressed. I don't see why people say its a bad game. Four was worse compared to this and I thoroughly enjoyed 6. I loved the part in Centaur Man's level where the water is upside down and you have to try and use it to your advantage. I thought that was so cool.

Anyways, now I get to move on the everyones favorite, Megaman World 5, featuring Terra's Hair.


Terra vs. Zero in a best hair match would be probably the most amazing Mega Man fight ever.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: STM on April 13, 2009, 08:36:19 AM
Terra vs. Zero in a best hair match would be probably the most amazing Mega Man fight ever.

Hmm....i think X..because he never shown his hair XD XD.

Bag of Magic Food

Terra picked the best hair for saying "OVER 9000".

Quote from: GothamAnswer on April 13, 2009, 06:06:42 AM
I don't see why people say its a bad game.
Yeah, 6 is one of my favorites too.  I guess at that point, most players either were tired of Classic Mega Man or hadn't kept up with all the additions to the series and went "THIS ISN'T THE MEGAMAN I REMEMBER."

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: Bag of Magic Food on April 14, 2009, 03:35:17 AM
Terra picked the best hair for saying "OVER 9000".
Yeah, 6 is one of my favorites too.  I guess at that point, most players either were tired of Classic Mega Man or hadn't kept up with all the additions to the series and went "THIS ISN'T THE MEGAMAN I REMEMBER."

I think Megaman 6 was good but mostly fan think it was "country song 8-bit" too much -_-

Gotham Ranger

Megaman World 5, down. Unfortunately, I had to completely skip Saturn's stage due to a bug in both my GB emulators that caused the game to reset when starting his level. Its a shame, but a password bypassed the level and I finished the game. It was fun.

Now we move out of the 8 bit generation and on to Mega Man 7.

Bag of Magic Food

Which emulators were you using?  I've never heard of a bug like that.  You should have asked about it before you skipped it.


He's doing these on the PSP mostly. I can confirm a similar bug happening on Master Boy on there. What I did was take the rom, open it on VBA on my computer, input the password I had after taking out Jupiter and then beat Saturn's stage on there. However, since he doesn't have a decent computer on hand at the moment, he couldn't do that.

Gotham Ranger

Yeah, pretty much what STM just said. I'd love to get a physical copy of the game, though. I own Megaman World 2 & 4, own a copy of MM3, 8 and R&F and I also own Anniversary Collection, but because they [tornado fang]'d up the controls, I have a hard time adjusting to it so I just use my PSP.

7 came out a bit shitty emulator wise due to [parasitic bomb] PSP SNES emulation, but even then, this game was more annoying than fun. The charge shot became absolutely pointless here and alot of the bosses just weren't fun. That final Wily Machine was absolutely ridiculous. I'm all for a challenge, don't get me wrong, but what the [tornado fang]? That wasn't fun.

Anyways, now I get to my favorites, 8 and R&F. Only 3 more to go.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: GothamAnswer on April 17, 2009, 09:45:06 AM
Yeah, pretty much what STM just said. I'd love to get a physical copy of the game, though. I own Megaman World 2 & 4, own a copy of MM3, 8 and R&F and I also own Anniversary Collection, but because they [tornado fang]'d up the controls, I have a hard time adjusting to it so I just use my PSP.

7 came out a bit shitty emulator wise due to [parasitic bomb] PSP SNES emulation, but even then, this game was more annoying than fun. The charge shot became absolutely pointless here and alot of the bosses just weren't fun. That final Wily Machine was absolutely ridiculous. I'm all for a challenge, don't get me wrong, but what the [tornado fang]? That wasn't fun.

Anyways, now I get to my favorites, 8 and R&F. Only 3 more to go.

You know Megman & Bass is the most hardess fotress stage i ever seen before 8D
Good luck for that. :)


I still don't see why everyone says Rockman & Forte has the hardest Castle stages.
Can't you handle 4 bosses in the same stage? >U<

If I can beat Rockman 1 and Rockman & Forte without dying all the way, so can you.

I can admit though, that Wily in Rockman 7 "can" be a pain, because avoiding attacks takes some specific sliding and jumping techniques.
1 or 2 E Cans should be good enough against him.
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Timing your dodges against Wily Machine in MM7 can be pretty rough sometimes, since you have to react pretty quickly.

As for Rockman & Forte's Castle Stages, they're not that bad. I can see why they might say that if they're playing that GBA port, mind you.


Quote from: Fxeni on April 17, 2009, 04:50:32 PM
As for Rockman & Forte's Castle Stages, they're not that bad. I can see why they might say that if they're playing that GBA port, mind you.

The reduced visibility makes some otherwise normal parts of that game LETHAL. A couple sections of TenguMan's and GroundMan's stages come to mind, too.

Gotham Ranger

Quote from: VixyNyan on April 17, 2009, 04:02:13 PM
1 or 2 E Cans should be good enough against him.
I used 4 and an S Tank >>

Update: Mega Man 8 Beaten! God I love this game. No complaints. Its great. Wily is hard but beatable. The bosses are fun and have great personalities. This is definitely one of, if not my favorite game in the series.

Time for Rockman & Forte. If the SNES Emulator starts to blow, I'll just move over to GBA Emulator.


Due to the cropped screen, the GBA version is a bit harder than the SNES version... think Sonic 2 GG vs. Sonic 2 Master System... except that for some reason, they decided to change how Underground Zone's boss operated in GG, which, comboed with the reduced area of visibility is what made the boss so dang hard.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: STM on April 18, 2009, 12:58:03 PM
Due to the cropped screen, the GBA version is a bit harder than the SNES version... think Sonic 2 GG vs. Sonic 2 Master System... except that for some reason, they decided to change how Underground Zone's boss operated in GG, which, comboed with the reduced area of visibility is what made the boss so dang hard.

Some area completely glitched, i already try but it still glitch if you using DS emulator & PS emulator.

Gotham Ranger

Wily, you sucka my ball two time!


Forte's game down in R&F. Love this game, love love love it. Though Wily was a bit of a pain. Took all my 8 lives plus 2 more before I finally got my combination of Lightning Bolt and Magic Card right. Also, the english patch for the SNES version is so much better than the actual translation done for Megaman & Bass.

Anyways, time for Rock's game.

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: GothamAnswer on April 21, 2009, 06:27:08 AM
Wily, you sucka my ball two time!


Forte's game down in R&F. Love this game, love love love it. Though Wily was a bit of a pain. Took all my 8 lives plus 2 more before I finally got my combination of Lightning Bolt and Magic Card right. Also, the english patch for the SNES version is so much better than the actual translation done for Megaman & Bass.

Anyways, time for Rock's game.

Wow, you manage beat that game, i'm impressed 8)

Gotham Ranger

Whats so impressive about? Besides, I've not even beat it as Rock. Thats where it gets hard.

Update: And now Rockman & Forte is fully cleared! Games a bit of a hard kick in the ass with Rock because so much of the level was designed around Forte, but I beat it and I'm happy considering I've owned it on the GBA for years.

One game left, R&F2: Challenger from the Future.

Posted on: April 22, 2009, 05:02:27
Quote from: GothamAnswer on March 23, 2009, 08:25:06 AM
Hi, I'm Gotham, that guy you probably don't care about with a love of fighting games if you've seen what few topics I've posted =P

Lemme level with you, Rockfans. Despite being a Megaman fan, I've only got a handfull of games under my belt and for the longest time, none of them were the NES/SNES games. My first game was actually Rockman & Forte SNES via emulator, and even then I didn't even like the game. Where am I going with this? Well, with my unusually nocturnal sleeping pattern and a lack of anything to do, I've decided to stop pussyfooting and go ahead and bum rush the games.

Actually, the more I write, the more I realise how pointless of a topic this is, so if there's really no use for it, staff can feel free to punt this [sonic slicer] right up on out of here, but I figured someone on RPM might get a laugh at my amazing failures as I chronicle my run through an assload of Megaman games =P

Anyways, here's the list/order of the games I'm going through, including already completed ones:

Mega Man (NES) - Completed!
Megaman Megaman (PSP) - Completed!
Mega Man 2 (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man 2 Hard Mode (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man World (GB) - Completed!
Mega Man 3 (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man World II (GB) - Completed!
Mega Man Wily Wars: Wily Tower (GEN) - Completed!
Mega Man 4 (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man World III (GB) - Completed!
Mega Man 5 (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man World IV (GB) - Completed!
Mega Man (Game Gear) - Completed!
Mega Man 6 (NES) - Completed!
Mega Man World V (GB) - Completed!
Mega Man 7 (SNES) - Completed!
Mega Man 8 (PSX) - Completed!
Rockman & Forte (SNES) - Completed!
Rockman & Forte Mirai kara no Chōsensha (WS)

There's three games missing from the list, due to my inability to actually play/emulate them. Those are Mega Man 1 & 3 PC and Mega Man 9. The DOS games will be easier to emulate once I can get my hands on A) A new desktop or B) A Pandora. 9 will come eventually if for some reason, Capcom suddenly gives us a DS/PSP release or when I finally sell my soul for the PS3.

Either way, this is gonna definitely be something else and its definitely gonna be an experience. This series is the man one I've really not gotten into despite it being the starting point. I've beaten all the X games (besides GBC), I've beaten all the Zero and ZX games. I own Legends 1 and beat it and one day I'll get around to 2 and Tron Bonne. I just don't care for EXE or Starforce.

So yeah, sit back, laugh at me, kick this topic out of existence, whatever. But this is definately gonna be a hoot :P

Shinichameleon / Nayim

Quote from: GothamAnswer on April 22, 2009, 05:02:27 AM
Whats so impressive about? Besides, I've not even beat it as Rock. Thats where it gets hard.

Update: And now Rockman & Forte is fully cleared! Games a bit of a hard kick in the ass with Rock because so much of the level was designed around Forte, but I beat it and I'm happy considering I've owned it on the GBA for years.

One game left, R&F2: Challenger from the Future.

That i talking about.
Wait you have R&F2: Challenger from the Future.
(I don't have that game ;O;)