Nino Ruins: The slow lag nightmare is finally over~

Started by VixyNyan, March 14, 2009, 07:30:40 PM

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Like I said, I played the version that apparently lagged itself to do slowmotion on my PSP, and it didn't lag.


Quote from: Fxeni on August 31, 2009, 01:33:13 AM
Like I said, I played the version that apparently lagged itself to do slowmotion on my PSP, and it didn't lag.

Could be a problem with the emulation.

Psycho Yuffie

It has been a few years now, but I didn't really notice lag when I played it. Then again, I played the N64 version.


Quote from: Nodoka on August 31, 2009, 02:44:37 AM
It has been a few years now, but I didn't really notice lag when I played it. Then again, I played the N64 version.
love, we're talking about a dungeon in the second game..

Psycho Yuffie

Quote from: Nekomata on August 31, 2009, 02:57:16 AM
love, we're talking about a dungeon in the second game..
Oh, okay. I remember a water level in the first one. Oh, well. I'm stupid, so just ignore me.


If I have the time, I'll actually go back to the water stuff, but I think this is the same effect.

If you are using an emulator, try the 4th Framebuffer Animation option. If that doesn't work, choose 1 or 2 to disable it.


I can't remember that desert. That means... gotta replay MML again.

Police Girl

Thats Legends 2. It was Saul Kada Desert or something like that.


Runs about 26-28 normally, loading doors causes 25.

PS: Anybody else notice how overpowered your jump length is with Hydro Jets underwater?
PPS: Speaking of overpowered...


Quote from: Kallen on August 31, 2009, 10:03:00 PM
Thats Legends 2. It was Saul Kada Desert or something like that.

Ah yes... vague memories. Still, gotta replay it.


Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Quote from: xnamkcor on August 31, 2009, 09:51:05 PM
If you are using an emulator, try the 4th Framebuffer Animation option. If that doesn't work, choose 1 or 2 to disable it.

In ePSXe 1.7 you can quick switch to the software plugin via pressing F7. This will work 100% and runs faster on slow pcs.
You will only have the native PSX Resolution but since there is a frame-buffer effect over the whole screen and frame-buffer effects are software calculated you already had low graphics with your hardware plugin anyway.


Quote from: Hypershell on September 02, 2009, 12:42:52 AM
THAT'S what you call overpowered?  Try aiming my namesake at the Gustaff.
I don't even know where to get the Hypershell. I just take what I come across. One time I got Shining Laser, though.


Quote from: Keno on September 30, 2009, 04:39:15 AM
I don't even know where to get the Hyper Shell. I just take what I come across. One time I got Shining Laser, though.
(fixed; I'm one word, the weapon's two words)
Give Roll the Rusty Bazooka (Calbania Island ruins) and the Firecracker (Guildmaster's Assistant after defeating Glyde).
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


I'm playing Legends 2 on my PSP currently, but it fades to black forever when I get back onto The Flutter on Pokte Island. :(


Quote from: Keno on October 18, 2009, 10:33:37 PM
I'm playing Legends 2 on my PSP currently, but it fades to black forever when I get back onto The Flutter on Pokte Island. :(

PSP or PSX version?


Assuming it's the PSX version, you have to use popsloader to change to version 3.40 I believe.


Quote from: xnamkcor on October 19, 2009, 04:44:15 PM
PSP or PSX version?
Do I seem like a fan of having everybody speak gibberish?

Quote from: Fxeni on October 19, 2009, 05:01:30 PM
Assuming it's the PSX version, you have to use popsloader to change to version 3.40 I believe.
What do I hold to change the popsloader version? R or something?


Quote from: Keno on October 20, 2009, 09:38:24 AM
Do I seem like a fan of having everybody speak gibberish?
If you want us to help you? Yes.

Quote from: Keno on October 20, 2009, 09:38:24 AM
What do I hold to change the popsloader version? R or something?
There's a good chance it's in the manual/readme.
Useless readme is useless.
I'll look into it.

"The first time you run a PS1 game that has no popsloader settings, the plugin will display a menu to select the version of pops you wish to use. To change the specific pops version for a game that already has popsloader settings, hold the R Trigger while selecting the game from the XMB Menu."

XMB = Cross Media Bar,
It's the thing that shows up when you boot the PSP, unless you have some sort of autoboot thing going on with IRSHELL.


These were the versions that had the Nino Ruins slowed down. (doesn't matter which Playstation you played them on)

And this was the version that got reprogrammed and worked best for the PSP hardware, and made the game run (a little bit) better.

It won't matter much really, but it's fun to test and make experiments, for science~! >BD
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Quote from: Vixy on October 20, 2009, 06:32:58 PM
These were the versions that had the Nino Ruins slowed down. (doesn't matter which Playstation you played them on)

Thank You, emulators!


Cool awesome. Thanks guys. Hopefully it'll work.

