Latest Buys

Started by TheDivine, November 09, 2008, 12:47:40 AM

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Today was "Batman Day", so Barnes & Noble had special deals on DC comics. Buy 2 and get one free.

My comic book haul:

Batman: The Court of Owls Volume 1
Batman: The City of Owls Volume 2
Fables: The Deluxe Edition Book 1

The Wolf Among Us (game based on Fables) got me interested in the Fables franchise, so I wanted to see where it all began.

Protoman Blues

Court of Owls was an excellent Batman arc.


Bought groceries and a Black Series Mara Jade.

Police Girl

A ticket for Guardians of the Galaxy on July 31st at 7PM.


Pre-ordered the Batman '66 DVD set.


Pre-ordered Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright

I have a feeling it'll be hard to find after release, so better to be safe than sorry.


The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky on Steam.

I may do that stupid thing again where I buy the GOG version too and thus own 3 separate copies of the same game.


Got groceries, art supplies, cat food, cat litter, JLU season one, and new sneakers.

Police Girl

Pre-ordered One Piece Collection 10.

Cool, they're pumping these out faster than I thought they would. Too bad they haven't decided to make the switch to Blu-ray since everything past 206 is HD widescreen. But the quality is good enough that its not too big of a deal.

Police Girl

Sailor Moon Volumes 1-6 Boxset

Of course I realize after buying it (for $60) that I could've gotten it far cheaper online ($45 with free shipping.) and gotten both of them for around $80 or something.

Back to the store you go! Buyers Remorse!


A pizza and a wireless adapter for using a 360 controller on PC.


I just ordered a pasta bowl and stuffed cheesy bread from Dominos.


I got some groceries and more cat food for Mabel.  It's not the Blue Buffalo she was eating, but it's a limited ingredient food and she's eaten it so far. 

I also picked up the Godzilla Keepsake ornament and reserved the Xenomorph.

Police Girl

Amazon finally put up the Smash 4 Wuu bundle with Gamecube Controller and adapter so I put that on preorder.


Also some gravel and a filter for my fish.


I got a Froakie.  This week was Pokemon Plushie Week apparently. :P

Also in stuff I bought:

Cat food
French curves
Acrylic paint in the following colors: Light Portrait Pink, Yellow Oxide, and Titanium White (gave that to my niece and nephews as they were out of white and we wanted to capitalize on the special the store was having)

Pair of pants on a hanger with the right size, but the pants were the wrong size, so I need to wear a belt.  Compounded by the fact that they were on clearance, so I couldn't return them.  Currently wearing them and I like how they fit, despite needing a belt.

Chili chocolate (if you haven't tried it, go out and buy some Lindt Chili Chocolate)
Strap for my glasses since they refuse to stay adjusted.  And for a cosplay, as while my glasses will fit over the mask, they won't stay on, so I need the strap.

Legend on DVD because classic
Acne stuff
Compression bandage for my foot.



I got the Spider-Man: Identity Crisis paperback recently
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Protoman Blues


Got a new laptop for school.

Toshiba Satellite C75D
AMD A6-6310 w/ R4 Graphics (Don't know the exact one)
1600x900 res

Look what else I found!


Was Gameboy Advance Video even good?

Police Girl

Nope. It was sort of like watching FMV's, except not windowboxed and the FMV was the only thing on the cart. The bitrate was awful.

But it was a novel concept at least.


Sort of lives on in the form of Nintendo Video, except it's just [parasitic bomb] yanked from Youtube now.

Gotta say though, I just watched the Cartoon Network one (Johnny Bravo mmmm~) and the quality's pretty goddamn good for the GBA's 240x160 resolution.


Quote from: Clefant on August 19, 2014, 10:56:31 PM
Nope. It was sort of like watching FMV's, except not windowboxed and the FMV was the only thing on the cart. The bitrate was awful.

But it was a novel concept at least.

I had a feeling it was terrible. And yeah, I remember wanting it desperately back in the day, but never did get it.

Quote from: Kaoru Tanamachi on August 19, 2014, 10:58:52 PM
Sort of lives on in the form of Nintendo Video, except it's just [parasitic bomb] yanked from Youtube now.

Gotta say though, I just watched the Cartoon Network one (Johnny Bravo mmmm~) and the quality's pretty goddamn good for the GBA's 240x160 resolution.

Nintendo Video is awful, too. It was okay-ish in the beginning, but I can [tornado fang]ing only take so much Dinosaur Office.

Police Girl

I thought they discontinued the Nintendo Video thing.

I wouldn't know, I let it download the Kid Icarus videos and just kept those.