I just might buy that Anniversary Collection for the Game Cube for the sake of Power Fighters/Battles. It beats buying the individual arcade cabinets at about $300 each (but that's still better than playing on emulator ).
IIRC, the GameCube version plays kind of weird, with it's A and B buttons being switched like they are. So "shoot" is the rightmost button (B?), and jump is the big one in the middle. Very weird!
Power Battle/Fighters is a fun little romp, and it makes me wish they did more with the MM7-style sprites; like another full-blown title. And I think there's a "Survival Mode" code or something for the console-ported ones, where you can face all 18 Robot Masters in it, and all 3 fortress bosses, and THEN Dr. Wily, all in one go! (I'm not sure how stacking the weapons works in that, however - or even if you get them at all!)
(God, I wish my PS2 wasn't in DRE mode still!)