So Figuarts Megaman Zero finally arrived to me today.
He's... actually really really good! The best Zero they've put out so far.
-His hair is detachable and poseable
-No floppy joints
-Paint is wonderful, a nice shiny red with a glossy dark purple for the body, everything is painted (Unlike the Model Kit)
-The little holsters on his legs have removable pegs in them if you pose him with a weapon out.
-The hair is still ugly
-The weapons are all sourced from Zero 1, so you get the infinitely less interesting Triple Rod (With no spin effect or extending effect) compared to the Chain Rod or Recoil Rod, also no Z-Knuckle.
-Only two faces (Standard angry face and looking to the left yelling face) and three sets of hands (two fists, two Buster holding hands and two Saber/Triple Rod hands), the Boomerang is treated as a separate bracelet (Which means you could combo that and both Buster and Saber/Rod but that'd be silly)
-The little pegs in his holsters are a [sonic slicer] and a half to get out. And they're tiny.
-Zero's neck just seems too long.
All in all, he's nice. some flaws here and there but nothing dealbreaking like shitty Zero Version 2.