Post a Random Fact About Yourself

Started by Setsuna F. Seiei, November 09, 2008, 12:09:23 AM

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Sniper X


I find myself recently rootingfor the villains rather than the heroes. I don't why buit GAR, invincible heroes seem to irritate me! Envy, maybe?


I can't go a day without doing a backflip. >_>

Dr. Wily II

I need 2 cups of coffee per day to get myself going: One in the morning, and one in the afternoon...

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I need caffeine to function properly at times.


I'm always sleepy, even if I just slept 12+ hours.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


The longer you sleep more tired you are (in my case at least).

I don't drink coffee, at all.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


Sometimes I see random things and start thinking of what sort of stories could be written about 'em.  For example, while crossing the bridge over a railyard, I happen to look down and see a red acoustic guitar lying along the tracks.  Why is it there?  How did it get there?  Why a guitar?  Why red?

I still need to plot out the murder-mystery bestseller...

Sniper X

When I grow up, I want to learn hard to be a scientist.


sometimes when I don't get enough sleep, I kind of think of some rather sadistic thoughts about torturing certain anime characters like Ledouche or just about anyone.

Sniper X

I ALWAYS follow the rules. I hate when someone breaks it, and no one notice the person breaks it. -_-
Quote from: Sniper X on February 11, 2009, 02:31:42 PM
When I grow up, I want to learn hard to be a scientist.
I might make weapons, robots and cyborgs if I learn reaaaaly hard.


Sometimes I pay attention to the highway while thinking, and sometimes I am not, while my subconscious does.
Flok's favorites:


I sometimes feel afraid to say things because I'm afraid of people reacting unfavorably to what I say (i.e. being annoying).  Just sometimes.  Not all the time.


I am up to my heels in debt!  8) Oh wait, that sucks!  :'(

Sniper X


I loooooove 3D!  XD  I need to figure out the exact colours used for the Intel Intru3D glasses that were given out for that episode of Chuck so I can make more 3D stuff.

The Slacker Hunter

I like lighter shades of blue. Like cerulean.
If you are reading this then that means that I have managed to control your mind even if for a short period of time.

Sniper X


My favorite flavor of ice cream is vanilla.

When was the last time I poked you guys...


Ice Cream? Chocolate and Vanilla, especially if it's a soft cream type of ice cream.
I feel all happy and snuggly if there are sum nuts inside too~
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Crimson Lightning

Quote from: Sniper X on February 08, 2009, 12:43:53 PM
I'm identical.

wow i dont too many people that are identical twins

anyhoo i still have my shamoo from sea world when i was 5 ahh good memories >w<


Somewhere I still have Peepers.  He's my frog, I've had him since I was a baby.

Sniper X

I sleep with my cuppy(means a pillow) every night. I had it when I was a baby. :>

Frozen Potato

i dont really like using emotes......except for lols though........... 8D     

Sky Child

Top Man is my father, he raised me to learn the ways of win and fail but he threw me out when he found out I was a gay pimp.

[spoiler]THIS IS A FACT ABOUT JEWEL MAN[/spoiler]