"Tales of" Series

Started by Setsuna F. Seiei, November 08, 2008, 10:55:23 PM

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Tales of games... How I love them.

The battle system is unique, different and the most important of all: fun!  8D

I have so far played Tales of Phantasia and Tales of Symphonia. The later mentioned is the only one I own myself, my friend has Phantasia. I have played couple of other "Tales of..." games on random occassions, but I can't nail my opinion which ones those were.

Currently waiting till Tales of Symphia: Dawn of the New World comes in Europe. I just want some more Tales of gameplay, even if the game isn't all that great when according to reviews.

Also hoping that pretty newly announced "Tales of..." game exclusively for Wii to come out in Europe soon aswell.  8D

...Lloyd, Kratos and Cless are awesome.


You are lucky guys... I don't have a hacked PSP to try it out...

On the other hand I do have a PSP Emulator, but don't know how to put PSP games on it to play. I wish they made better instructions.

Oh well I'm going to try to order one, if my Dad or Grandpa lets me pre-order online right now. But I doubt it.

Posted on: January 27, 2009, 10:41:29 PM
Some videos of Tales of the World: RM2

The Beginning:

Guy Cecil Boss Battle:

Kratos Shining Bind video:

Worm Boss Battle with Raine as Partner:

Guede Boss Battle:

Dual Swordsman Mystic Arte video:

Celsius Boss Battle:

And Celsius is a playable character, surprise.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


Guy's packing the Jewel of Gardios.

...I'll assume this means he gets to use Brilliant Overlord. I'm also loving the look of the game; very TotA style. Almost makes me wish they would slap it on the PSP, except I don't know if it could work.


Quote from: Shadowii2 on January 27, 2009, 10:40:14 PM

Currently waiting till Tales of Symphia: Dawn of the New World comes in Europe. I just want some more Tales of gameplay, even if the game isn't all that great when according to reviews.

Sry to dissappoint you but Atlus the publisher of Bandai Namco in Europe said they won't release it here.
Buy the US version and get the HBC with RegionFree

Quote from: STM on January 28, 2009, 03:14:25 AM
Guy's packing the Jewel of Gardios.

...I'll assume this means he gets to use Brilliant Overlord. I'm also loving the look of the game; very TotA style. Almost makes me wish they would slap it on the PSP, except I don't know if it could work.
no Brilliant Overlord Hi-Ougi for Guy at least not if they only have 1 Hi-Ougi since he already uses his Rising Phoenix (can't remember the name right now)
Since Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Destiny 2 were ported to the PSP i guess they could also port the PS2 version of ToS and maybe even Abyss


Quote from: Ephidiel on January 28, 2009, 04:24:18 AM
Sry to dissappoint you but Atlus the publisher of Bandai Namco in Europe said they won't release it here.
Buy the US version and get the HBC with RegionFree

no Brilliant Overlord Hi-Ougi for Guy at least not if they only have 1 Hi-Ougi since he already uses his Rising Phoenix (can't remember the name right now)
Since Tales of Rebirth and Tales of Destiny 2 were ported to the PSP i guess they could also port the PS2 version of ToS and maybe even Abyss
Close. Razing Phoenix. Ah well... I liked Brilliant Overlord more from the over-flashiness of it, but a burning bird isn't bad either.


Quote from: Ephidiel on January 28, 2009, 04:24:18 AM
Sry to dissappoint you but Atlus the publisher of Bandai Namco in Europe said they won't release it here.
Buy the US version and get the HBC with RegionFree

Gah. The problem with that is that I don't have a method to pay on online shops or anything.
I have a credit card, but the internet use is locked for it.

And for some reason on some sites it's said to come around June this year.
...Oh well.


Does make me wonder if they'll manage to get back some of the original V.A.'s. I just can't picture Jade without that smartass tone from Abyss.


Quote from: Shadowii2 on January 28, 2009, 10:21:32 AM
Gah. The problem with that is that I don't have a method to pay on online shops or anything.
I have a credit card, but the internet use is locked for it.

And for some reason on some sites it's said to come around June this year.
...Oh well.
get yourself paypal you can transfer your money with direct debit in europe


Tales of the World: RM2 Gameplay Videos:

Descender Creation:

Beginning 01:

Beginning 02:

Beginning 03:

Beginning 04:

Beginning 05:

And a bonus for this game too! Depending on the GENDER of the Descender certain characters will react or say something differently to the Descender. An example is Guy being spooked upon seeing a Female Descender while he stands firmly against a Male Descender and another example is Zelos flirting with the Female Descender.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


I lol at that; lord knows how much the more odder fans will hope to fall in love with their favorites.  XD

Also, I never did clear the first game; any explanation as to what the heck is going on? :( Also, is this a new descender, or are they a reborn version of them or something..?


New world; different Descender.

In the first game an Descender called Widdershin transforms his world into a World-Consuming Monster and starts to eat the world and its mana to restore itself and to merge all worlds into one to make all life-forms immortal and the Terresia Descender, the MC, puts a stop to it and defeat Widdershin in the end and all the worlds "eaten" return to be reborn into their old worlds again.

RM2 has a completely different storyline and takes place in a world called "Gradian" or something like that. Also Kanonno in RM1 was a Descender from another world who worked for Widdershin until she betrayed him to join the MC and Kanonno in RM2 seems to be a regular human being this time, however I don't know the story, and she's palyable this time around.

And they fixed the EXP cap from the first RM and everyone levels up faster now. So there's no need for the Mercenaries this time around.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


in RM2 Kannono is [spoiler]also a Decender from another World it appears she is part of an old race and her parents died when she was young[/spoiler]


Really? However not the same Kanonno from RM1 regardless, right?

Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2 FINAL BOSS

Watch on your own risk!

Final Boss Form 1:

Final Boss Form 2:

The Final Boss Battle music rock! Even better than Wddershin's by 100x!

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


i don't think its the same Kanonno
i can't answer it though i never played RM1


"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


And since I couldn't fit it in the title, PSP to get Tales Of Destiny Full Voice Edition.

Didn't see it mentioned here so I'll repost:

QuoteFresh Rumors from 2ch! We know how this goes.

PSP to get Tales Of Destiny Full Voice Edition.
DS to get Cheegle Fushigi no Dungeon.
ToTs real name is Tales Of Bataille.

Tales Of Bataille is the Wii game we seen before. The main heroes name is 地帯 (so it's either Zone or Zona I guess. Gonna go with Zona.) hes a 19 year old hitman who gets sent on a big mission to kill a very well know gang member named たくましい (Mach?) and in the process ends up kidnapping his daughter named ミーガン (Meg?..Megan? I have no clue.) anyway he steals her because apparently her dad was nearly gonna kill him so he took her and ran. From here on out he wanders around trying to find another way to kill Mach. The big draw point to the game is that Zone can talk to random people in towns and enter battles with them for money and stuff I guess that ties in with the name since Bataille is french for Battle. Sakuraba is doing the soundtrack and the artists is apparently Atsuro Yomino who did the Code Geass manga (lol). The games release date is TBA.

Hopefully we get scans in a few hours these seem pretty true considering how Namco works.

For ToD: FVE it will be using Eternias battle system since it will be a port of the PSX version not the PS2 version (maybe because it was to fast for the PSP?) new sprites and everything from the original will return but be voiced. So I guess that means no Barbatos and stuff. Set to be released this summer.

Cheegle Fushigi no Dungeon is a DS game based around the Cheegles from Abyss. Its one of those mystery dungeon games I guess and you use different cheegles to finish puzzles and stuff. The poster mentions that other animals from the series join with the Cheegles (he said Zappie is seen in one picture.) set to be released around May.


I hope the PSP game gets a release over here, but it most likely won't. Please Namco, at least give it a EU release >__<

Also, I still think Tales of Disco> any other official name they could've thought of XD

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


As I said over at GAF, this would certainly be a nice twist, if it was true.

Still, seeing is indeed believing, and if we're not scheduled to see any more until Spring (which means basically March, at the earliest), we're going to have a while to wait, regardless.


RM2 is connected to RM1 [spoiler]Kanonno from RM1 appears in this scene http://de.youtube.com/watch?v=bQ8S_zBzEfA after the battle[/spoiler]

the PSP remake of ToD sounds interesting
but unless it uses the Aerial Battle System from the PS2 version i doubt it will make good sales in japan.
And they should add the Lion Story mode they added in the PS2 DC version


^I already seen it a few hours ago, but never bothered to post it here (excepted GameFAQs).

Well that settles that.

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3



Awesome! But I'm still waiting on my copy... :'(

I'm never ordering anything from yesasia.com again! Playasia.com is the way to go!

And I've seen that announcement over at GameFAQs also. All Tales of series gets an anime of sorts except Destiny...

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3


yes sadly still no Destiny or Destiny 2 anime
this world needs more Liooooooooooooooooooooooooooon and Reeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaala

new game+ is nice
new character creation and still all items, equipments, classes and all character still have their level


Yep Radiant Mythology 2 is awesome! I hope Namco brings it over to the US!

"Spirit-Soul Fusion! Invoke... VIRUS CROSS!!!" ~ Quote from my Virakins global project
JP PSN: UirusuKurisu
Official Husband of Fox Caster from Fate/Extra <3

Protoman Blues