New RockMan fighting game. "Rockman ∞"

Started by N-Mario, September 17, 2012, 08:47:13 PM

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Rockman ∞ by Ukege has been released.


* Requirements to play:
- Mugen (

To install (for those who are not familiar):
- Extract Mugen files after downloading from site.
- Copy ROCKMAN_MUGEN_PLAYER and ROCKMAN_MUGEN_BOSS into your Mugen /chars directory.
- Copy ROCKMAN_MUGEN into your mugens /stages directory.
- Open up your mugens select.def file with notepad.
- Add ROCKMAN_MUGEN_PLAYER and ROCKMAN_MUGEN_BOSS (separate lines) under [Characters] of the select.def.
- Add ROCKMAN_MUGEN under [ExtraStages] of the select.def.

Then to play, start a VS. match with PLAYER as P1, and BOSS as P2.

OR, create a batch file, and add this accordingly:

@echo off
echo on

Since this is a full game based on Rockman, I thought I might post. It plays out like a regular Mega Man/RockMan game even up to a Title Screen, and an Options screen. Although I have to gripe about the physics in this game. They aren't accurate to the real game. But besides that, this is actually pretty hard.

Joseph Collins

Your directions are a little off, N.  You need to add "STAGES/ROCKMAN_MUGEN.DEF" under select.def.  However, the command line parameters are spot-on.  Which doesn't make much sense to me, but whatever.  Elecbyte does weird things.
So anyway, I had a little trouble getting it to work right, but I think that was entirely on my end.  The aforementioned oversight didn't help much when I wanted to run it through the game client.  Heh heh.  But I did get it running just fine after a short while.  

My review (hidden because it's a wall of text)[spoiler]There's quite a few things I didn't like about this game.  To start, I'll be perfectly honest.  I did not beat this game.  It ghetto stomped me at Dr. V stage 4.  Because, the creator, in his infinite wisdom, decided it would be a good idea to include boss refights despite the fact the game is already a boss rush.
It also controlled kind-of-but-not-really-close to Rockman 2/9/10.  You don't get a charged shot and can't slide, the latter of which really sucks for this game, considering how many bosses have super quick attacks they can pull on you.  Rockman also runs a bit faster than he really should, jumps higher than he should, and his jump is one of those funky "floaty" jumps with semi-consistent speed, like in Rockman World 2.  It's really freaking irritating at times.
I also don't like the fact that there's no conceivable way, unless you're a gaming god, to make a buster-only run of the game.  I was able to beat seven of the eight main bosses, and zero of the Dr. V stage bosses, using just the buster.  I'd like to think it was at least partially because the controls are so unresponsive (false fires on the battle starts, the inability to jump and fire at the same time on occasion, directonal delays far beyond those of even Rockman 3...), but I'm sure some of it was just that I'm not as good at Rockman as I claim I am.  That, and it's a whole new ballgame.

I mentioned that some enemies have super fast attacks a moment ago.  This applies for pretty much all the main eight bosses.  However, even with the off-model physics and the sometimes unresponsive controls, most of these are dodgeable.  A few, however, are either unavoidable are extremely difficult to avoid:
- Kungfu Man (I laughed when I saw that) has his Kungfu Board attack.  As far as I know, this attack simply cannot be avoided.  However, it only does 2 units of damage, so that's somewhat acceptable loss.  It can also be deflected with Ryuei Shield, but that's all you can do.
- Z Man...  Okay, I'm not really sure where to start with Z Man.  He teleports literally on top of you, which causes a lot of damage.  He has a big, huge, three-hit kill attack that has nearly no warning and moves super fast.  And of course, he has some stupid three-shot rapid-fire Trillion Fire weapon which is like Magma Bazooka, but weaker.  The lattermost is his weakest attack.
- Robert Man, Kym Man, and Sugoi Man all have really quick attacks that can be difficult to avoid.  Robert and Kym in particular are annoying, since Robert follows his charge attack with what I'm calling an "inverted dragon stomp" (or an upside-down uppercut?) if you're jumping and Kym gives you all of half a second before he launches himself at you.

Some of the weapons are kind of useless, as well.  Hudson Bomb has similar physics to Hyper Bombs (and no on-contact damage), but with a Bomberman-style explosion, Spider String has a worse downward arc than Silver Tomahawk, Kym Knuckle has the same delay as Power Rockman's punches, but with twice the range.  I also don't care much for the Seikimatsu Bazooka much because, despite being a semi-seeking projectile, is slow as hell.  The other weapons are... well...  None of the weapons are particularly useful, really.  They're all rather circumstancial weapons with no one weapon being better than the other for anything.  I'm a tad bit disappointed.
You also have access to both Rush Coil and the Rockman 3 version of Rush Jet.  Rush Coil doesn't propel you upward enough to be useful and Rush Jet...  Well, no real complains there.  Except that the energy drains whether you're on it or not.  But that could easily be a balancing thing more than anything.

Now, I've mentioned a whole lot of bad things, but very few good things.  So, I'll address some of the things I liked:
The soundtrack for the game comes straight from Rokko Chan (probably without permission, but eh), so you get some decent tuneage while you trudge through the bosses.  It's kind of a cop-out, since there's such a huge variety of official music to choose from, but it works.  I also really like the bosses themselves.  Parodies of popular fighters and random characters, as well as references to the official game bosses when you get to Dr. V Castle!  I won't spoil it for you, but Dr. V boss 1 is pretty damn awesome.  A lot of love when into that boss in particular.
And actually, a lot of love went into all the bosses!  The bosses are extremely well programmed, all things considered.  They will give you a serious run for your money.  Sometimes, they pull some cheap tricks on you (I'm looking at you, Z Man), but otherwise, pretty authentic.  I just with Rock himself controlled better.  I also wish the main eight bosses weren't all sprite edits of Rockman. (They even mimic his physics, to a degree.)
Another thing I like is the fact they bothered to include a title screen and menus.  Granted, you can either start a new game, or use Option Mode to start with X bosses defeated and X E-Cans in your inventory (this being the only way to get E-Cans), but that's something, at least.

I have to say, I'm a slightly disappointed with it.  I wasn't expecting much, given that it's not a modified MUGEN client like Castlevania Fighter, but it did have its good points.  And really, I've played far worse games than this.  They creator could really learn a thing or two from ACE Spark about making a good, fair boss rush game (I wish there was a way to regain lost E-Cans...), but despite its flaws, what's here is actually pretty worth giving a try.  All it costs you is a little bit of time (and perhaps a fair bit of sanity).[/spoiler]

Edit: Oh god I killed the thread I'm sorry.  T_T  *hides his opinions*


I just haven't had a chance to try it out yet... ^^;

