RPM's Rockman 9 Source Gathering (Spoilers)~

Started by VixyNyan, November 09, 2008, 04:30:16 AM

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I'm throwing in the things I (and maybe some other generous members) collected in here.

Rockman 9: Yabou no Fukkatsu!! / Mega Man 9
Game Size: 66 Blocks (Wii)
Password: No
Save: Yes (8 slots)

flagus 2008.09.22 (Wii) [RVL-WR9E-USA] 1000 Wii Points
flagjp 2008.09.24 (Wii) [RVL-WR9J-JPN] 1000 Wii Points
flagus 2008.09.25 (PS3)
flageu 2008.09.25 (PS3)
flageu 2008.09.26 (Wii) [RVL-WR9P-EUR] 1000 Wii Points
flagus 2008.10.01 (360)
flageu 2008.10.01 (360)
flagjp 2009.06.24 (PS3) 1000yen
flagjp 2009.06.24 (360) 800 MS Points

Game Menu


- New Game

- Load Game
-- Back 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

- Time Attack
-- Stage Select
--- Magma Man
--- Hornet Man
--- Galaxy Man
--- Tornado Man
--- Jewel Man
--- Splash Woman
--- Plug Man
--- Concrete Man
--- Wily Castle 1
--- Wily Castle 2
--- Wily Castle 3
--- Wily Castle 4
--- Special Stage
-- Rankings
-- Rules
-- Back

- Endless Attack
-- Start
-- Rankings
-- Rules
-- Back

- Special Games
-- Hero Mode
-- Super Hero Mode
-- Blues Mode



- Time Attack Ranking
-- Magma Man
-- Hornet Man
-- Galaxy Man
-- Tornado Man
-- Jewel Man
-- Splash Woman
-- Plug Man
-- Concrete Man
-- Wily Castle 1
-- Wily Castle 2
-- Wily Castle 3
-- Wily Castle 4
-- Special Stage

- Endless Attack Ranking

- All Clear Ranking

- Back


- Control Type: Type 1, Type 2

- Legacy Mode: On, Off (Sprite Flicker Setting.)

- Player Name: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



Item Shop

Click Here

1UP (20)
Energy Can (30)
Mystery Can (50)
Eddie Call (50)
Beat Call (50)
Energy Balancer (100)
Guard Up (100)
Shock Guard (50)
Costume (200)
Hairstyle Book (20)

Stage Select Screen
It's officially aligned...


> > > > > > >


Magma Bazooka, Hornet Chaser, Black Hole Bomb, Tornado Blow, Jewel Satellite, Laser Trident, Plug Ball, Concrete Shot.

Boss Damage Chart

Green = Super Effective!

Concrete Man11/11111311
Tornado Man11/11111131
Splash Woman21/14111211
Plug Man11/11114111
Jewel Man11/11512111
Hornet Man12/41111111
Magma Man11/11161111
Galaxy Man11/11111114
Castle Guardian 1BUSTER!
Castle Guardian 2A22/42242422
Castle Guardian 2B22/42242422
Castle Guardian 2C22/42222422
Castle Guardian 321/11611111
Wily Machine 9ABUSTER!
Wily Machine 9B11/11111114
Wily Capsule11/11111131

Weapon Notes:
* Magma Bazooka: Each bullet you hit on the same attack adds extra damage. Picture yourself the Air Shooter from Rockman 2.
* Black Hole Bomb: Bosses gets damaged when they are close to it.

Challenges List
This is the official list by Inti/Capcom, and not the 360 Achievements list that give you points to your card.

Click Me

Downloadable Content

EndlessAttackflagus 2008.10.06
flagjp 2008.10.07
flageu 2008.10.10
3003Test your skills on a stage without end. Try to break the record for getting the farthest. Results will be displayed in the Rankings. Not compatible with Challenges.
BluesModeflagus 2008.10.06
flagjp 2008.10.07
flageu 2008.10.10
2002Play the game as Blues. You can use the shield while jumping. Some of Blues' abilities may differ from Rockman's. There is no story for Blues. Not compatible with Rankings and Challenges.
HeroModeflagus 2008.10.20
flagjp 2008.10.21
flageu 2008.10.24
1002Play the game with a more difficult level of enemy distribution. Not compatible with Rankings or Challenges.
SuperheroModeflagus 2008.10.20
flagjp 2008.10.21
flageu 2008.10.24
1002Play the game with a super difficult level of enemy distribution. Not compatible with Rankings or Challenges.
SpecialStageflagus 2008.10.20
flagjp 2008.10.21
flageu 2008.10.24
1002Give you another Time Attack Stage to try, including a new Boss at the end! Results will be displayed in Rankings. Not compatible with Challenges.

Game Script


Dr. Wily: "I'm so sorry. Please forgive me!"

It is the year 20XX, and the world breathes a collective sigh of relief now that Mega Man has once again put an end to Dr. Wily's plans for world domination. But then... Robots start going wild all over the world! Could this be Dr. Wily up to his old tricks!?

Dr. Light's Laboratory

Mega Man: "Dr. Light! It's your robots!"
Dr. Light: "You're right, those are the robots I created!"

*TV Screen*
Dr. Wily: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is not my doing! These robots are Dr. Light's creations. This proves he's had evil designs on the world all this time!"

*Camera recorded TV scenario*
Dr. Light: "It's time I turned my efforts to world domination. Why don't you join me, Dr. Wily!"
Dr. Wily: "I can't join you. I've changed my evil ways. You need to stop this nonsense!"

*Dr. Wily on screen with Swiss Bank account 19-871-217*
Dr. Wily: "I, Dr. Wily, have created my own robots to stop Dr. Light. But only your donations can help me complete them. Once my robots are finished, they will save the world!"

*Telephone ringing*
Roll: "We got another call! The phone is ringing off the hook!"
Auto: "People keep calling Dr. Light to complain! What should we do?"

*Heroic pose!*
Mega Man: "For starters, I'm going to do something about those robots!"
Dr. Light: "Thanks, Mega Man! Be careful out there! You haven't done this in awhile."

After beating one stage

Roll: "Oh no! The police have taken Dr. Light away!"
Auto: "Dr. Light would never try to take over the world. This is definitely Wily's doing!"

*Picture of Dr. Light in prison*
Mega Man: "Without a doubt. Don't worry, I'll clear Dr. Light's name!"

After beating four stages

Auto: "I've figured out something from the product code on that piece of scrap Mega Man picked up. That robot's period of use had expired, and it was scheduled to be scrapped."
Roll: "I feel bad for those robots, but their expiration dates are decided by law."
Mega Man: "They were supposed to be scrapped? So why are they going crazy?"

After beating five stages

Auto: "I've upgraded Rush to help you out!"

*Roll Rush Jets past Rock and Auto at ridiculous speed*
Roll: "Ki-yagh! Stop!"

*Roll falls off Rush and her bum goes owie*
Auto: "I'll try to slow him down a bit..."

After defeating all Robot Masters

Auto: "Th-this is the Memory Circuit Board!"
Roll: "We can play back his memory to see why he went crazy!"
Auto: "I'll put it on the screen!"

*Memory Circuit Board is playing on the computer screen*
Robot: "So what are you trying to say?"
Dr. Wily: "I'm saying you're all going to end up in the junkyard!"
Robot: "Of course. When we're done with our work that's what happens."
Dr. Wily: "It's not just you. Millions of robots all over the world are winding up as piles of junk! You work hard for humans, and then they destroy you when you're no longer needed! Doesn't that make you angry?"
Robot: "..."
Dr. Wily: "Just because you reached some arbitrary expiration date doesn't mean you should be scrapped! You're all still quite useful! You have a right to live! I'm going to help you. Together we'll show the world how useful you all can still be!"
Robot: "Hmm... Perhaps you're right. We still want to be of use to people. Can you repair us?"
Dr. Wily: "I'd be glad to. You're in good hands with me!"

*Back to Light's Lab*
Mega Man: "It was Wily all along!"

*Wily swoops in on his saucer and snags the Memory Circuit Board*


*Rock chases after Wily and then he begs for mercy*
Dr. Wily: "Please forgive me!"

*Rush teleports in*
Mega Man: "I want you to see something, Wily!"

*Screen turns dark and Rush projects a TV screen from his back*
Mega Man: "This is where you first went wrong!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM1)
Mega Man: "Then this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM2)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM3)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM4)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM5)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM6)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM7)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM8)
Mega Man: "And this time!" (Screen of Wily defeated in RM&F)

*Rush teleports away*
Dr. Wily: "You beat me again, Mega Man. I should tell you, there's something I was hiding from you."
Mega Man: "What is it!?"
Dr. Wily: "Dr. Light was taken away by the police, was he not? That wasn't a real officer; It was a fake police robot I created. Dr. Light is in the next room, but he fell ill so he's sleeping now. You have to hurry and get him to a hospital! This way."

*Both run over to a cage where Light is locked inside*
Mega Man: "Dr. Light!"

*A whistle is heard and Proto Man steps in*
Proto Man: "You're a fool, Mega Man! It's a trap! That's the Dr. Light robot Wily used to make that fake video!"
Mega Man: "...It may be, but if that's the real Dr. Light, then I have to help him!"
Proto Man: "Naive as always... Do what you want then!"

*Proto Man disappears, Mega Man closes in on the cage, and gets electrically shocked*
Dr. Wily: "So long, Mega Man! You will be destroyed along with this castle!"

*Wily and the robots runs away while the castle is about to explode. Rock wakes up*
Mega Man: "I'm glad that wasn't Dr. Light... But that poor robot..."

*Rock faints and Proto Man shows up*
Proto Man: "Looks like you need my help - again..."

*Both of them teleports away*
Mega Man has once again put a stop to Dr. Wily's evil plans. Dr. Light was found to be innocent of all wrongdoing, and was able to return to his laboratory. The future holds the promise of peace for the people of earth... Dr. Wily, however, was nowhere to be found...

Like what you see? ^^
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt|Twitch.tv|Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

marshmallow man

I'm surprised the boss damage chart isn't finished... was this from an old backup? I'm pretty sure the other Wily 9b and Capsule values are all 1, except for Plug Ball, which nets 3 damage on the Capsule.


Vixy, as part of this thread and your "moonspeak" threads, I was wondering if you're willing to romanize the mm9 enemy names as listed in the Arrange soundtrack booklet? If you could fill that request it would be greatly appreciated, even for the community as a whole.


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt|Twitch.tv|Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

