Here's the challenge:
Beat High Max in
Less Than 2 Minutes The Quickest Time Possible
Additional conditions:
Cannot use armors
Yammark Option and Magma Blade Only (default weapon can also be used)
Try to have at least 30% health left
Good Luck
Just to be a little nice, I'll even tell you how to take him down under these conditions.
The way you take HM down with this is fire a FULL charge buster shot (or a fire with the ultimate buster), and then use Magma Blade(the fire weapon)
The opposite of X's strategy
Other Tips: If HM deploys his shield, just duck; You can't hurt him when he's shielded. If he charges an orb and charges at you, do the same. If he centers himself to the screen, which occurs when he is near dead, the Yammark Option is the only thing that hurts him. There, that oughta help.