As I said earlier, I loved the G-Launcher in X7. But otherwise, he's just a watered-down hovering X who stole Trigger's tumble-dodge. X8 is where they actually tried making him unique, at least compared to X and Zero.
I heard Bass got hit quite hard with the nerf bat in 10...
Well, to be fair, Inti hit EVERYONE with the nerf bat in their NES revivals. Rock is back to MM2 mechanics and ProtoMan takes double damage/knockback (plus jumping to block will just never feel natural). Even without double-jumping and half-strength wall-blocked shots, Bass is still pretty awesome. He just demonstrates how new-age mechanics don't always fit seamlessly into old-age level/enemy/screen proportions. That and I wish Inti didn't insist on adding a delay between dash and dash-jumping. Never in any previous MegaMan title was such a lag enforced, and it screwed me up more than once.
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