I refuse to keep a betta in one of those tiny little bowls. I make sure that the betta has at least a two-gallon tank with a good filter and air-stone, and the company of an algae-eater and at least two neon tetras. I find that the betta is more active and overall appears happier. He is non-aggressive, rarely displays his fins (displaying is aggression and stress), and coexists with the other fish in the tank. Every now and then, they may chase each other, but that's about it. They feed together, swim together, and the betta lives a longer and happier life. I've hand-fed bettas before. They are peaceful and even social fish, as long as that betta is the only betta in the tank.
As for insects... They need more respect. Bugs are peoples too!
And as for PETA... I showed my brother the Pokémon game. He played it and commented that the message seemed to be lost in the game. It was muddled by gameplay and graphics, and really corny dialogue. Then, he played Super Tofu Boy and beat that game and said that it makes him want to be a carnivore, so PETA's message backfired.