Green Biker Dude

Started by Blyka, December 12, 2011, 08:05:06 PM

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Yes, you read the topic title right. Green Biker Dude has his own game!
RPM seems to have a pretty big following for GBD, so I don't think he himself needs any introduction.

Game Description:
Now it's your chance to pop that wheelie for everlasting peace! Join the famous Green Biker Dude in his intense pre-X2 training efforts and hone your fighting and racing skills with a Ride Chaser in two different game modes. Challenge the main "story" mode, blasting enemies for score as you race hard to the finish of the four tracks, ending with a boss battle and the tragic story of Green Biker Dude.
Brush up on your racing skills in Time Attack mode, where you leave behind score and enemies and race hard for the best possible time. Submit your highest score and best times to the Global Records* to compete with players around the world, or battle and chase with a friend locally in VS mode.

*Please submit, even if you think you suck. The more the merrier. :)

More information, screenshots and the download link can be found here: Game Page
Or if you'd like to just download it directly, left-click here: Direct Download

Hope you enjoy!


This is rather cool!

But it must be a prequel. As we all know... poor GBD never survived MMX²

Protoman Blues

This looks like an awesome idea.

Haha, but I think the GBD has too much health!


This would be fun, a change of pace from the usual fangames we get around here. Don't know about you, how's about multiplayer?
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


Oh dear god... Dat beautiful box art, 8B is SOOOO EPICALLY AWESOME!!!  8D

Very nice tribute fan game.  :)


Yeah, it's a prequel; as the description says "...his intense pre-X2 training efforts...". The ending tells the full story of GBD (or my take on it, anyway).

@Protoman Blues
Haha, yeah I regretted having to make the energy like that, but had I made it accurate the game would have been impossibly hard. XD

The 2-player VS mode is local-only but it has very flexible control options, so I hope you can find someone to play with. :)

Hahaha, thanks. I wasn't sure what to do for the box art due to GBD's lack of official art, but then I came across JetZero's piece (which looks official, really) and put my own background to it, and I think it turned out surprisingly well. XD

Thanks for the comments and compliments, everyone! Hope you're all enjoying the game. :)


Well, I suck at this game and I'm not afraid to admit it. XD

Awesome game and tribute, man. And I agree, the boxart looks great.

kuja killer

Wow, guess i ended up being the first person to go on the leaderboards. Took me about 2 hours or so to get through this game. It's not bad. :)

and whoops i didn't know that submitting a comment more than once went to the main front page. i thought it was serperate for each level. Ehh oh well.

it took me probably 300 tries or more total, to get through all the levels.
I wont say anything after the 4th level in case no-one knows.
oh and to blyka - i dont know why but when i tried to customize the controls --- would say "press up" and i would..but nothing would ever happen. i pressed every single button on the keyboard except the Fx keys listed at the top and nothing would ever happen....all i wanted to do was switch the jump and shoot button...but it's seriously impossible. :(

I think it's glitched


Thanks! Hahaha, yeah, it's a hardcore game to be sure. As it's only four tracks and you can practice them individually without enemies on Time Attack I think it has an easier learning curve than some, at least judging by the speed my tester got good at the game. But until you learn the tracks it's pretty brutal, as I know from when I first made and tested each one.

@kuja killer
Thanks for being the first to submit records! I hope more people do down the line; I think this could be a fairly competitive game if people got into it. :)
Sorry it took 300 tries or more; as I said above the game is pretty brutal at first. I tried to lessen the frustration by quick, limitless retries and shorter/fewer tracks, so I'm glad to hear you got through it in the end. XD

And I'm so sorry about the keyboard glitch. I was testing that up until the last minute, but apparently I should have been testing it at the last minute... -AC How embarrassing.
But thanks, I really appreciate you letting me know.

I released a quick "1.0.1" fix, so you can re-download it from the first post again.


First off, let me say the game looks great! Just like with Star Man, this game has a great cinematic presentation that mimics the original Mega Man games' look flawlessly. Also like Star Man, it takes a very small piece from the Mega Man universe and blows it up into its own story. I watched your play-through to see the ending and it's awesome!

Also, the 2 player split-screen is really cool; really appreciate that you went through the trouble of giving each player their own camera.

I have to say though, I could not get through even the first half of the first level  :(  I'm definitely far from being a pro gamer, and I realize you want it to be challenging, but I wouldn't have been able to see the cool ending without your video! Since you have publicly released this, I'm going to assume you are not going to make any major changes to the game. However, if you ever do want to make it more accessible to the inexperienced player, I would suggest:

-Having ramps, or some other marker, signal that a jump is coming up

-Have checkpoints (it would reset Green Biker Dude to them, while keeping the timer running)

Great job on finishing it, and keep the high quality games coming!


Thanks for the feedback, PressStart!
I really appreciate the compliments towards this and Star Man. Most of my recent-years games strive for authenticity with the original Mega Man games, but I suppose those two in particular do share the same trait of giving a blown-up story to the obscure guys.

Glad you liked the split-screen in VS mode. From a technical standpoint I would have liked to squish both cameras into the normal-sized window to avoid changing the window size, but in a game this fast that was out of the question, so it's good to hear it's appreciated. :)

Sorry you couldn't get past the first track. :( As I've said I know from the experience of testing each track that it's hard and frustrating at first, but it really is all about memorizing the tracks so you know what's coming up. Even after I'd clear a hard jump I'd die straight after until I knew what to expect; now the game's too easy. XD
There are actually halfway checkpoints in VS mode, so I did consider including those in the 1-Player modes, but my tester and I both thought it would have made the game too easy seeing as the whole game can be beaten in under 10 minutes once you've learned the tracks.

But, it really is a fast-paced game, so I guess it may not be for everyone even if the tracks are memorized. I'm glad you were able to enjoy the video at least. :)


Neglected to mention it before, but if anyone wanted to complete GBD back in the day and found it too brutal to bother doing so, I thought it may be of interest that it got a v1.1 update a few months back.

Among several improvements the main feature was the addition of an Easy Mode. This puts platforms over all the pits, effectively making energy loss the only danger. Might sound insultingly easy in theory, but GBD really is an intense game and I think this works well to make it more forgiving while keeping the fun, fast-paced intensity intact; you still need to be on the ball shooting enemies and such or your energy (and score) will fail.

Game Page
Direct Download



Wow, this exists.
I... Need to play this right now.

