I'm not sure what goes into creating a Bingo card, but it could be difficult depending on the game. OoT has a lot of tricky stuff to keep track of, and putting everything together in the run itself requires extensive knowledge of the game. But Mario 64's bingo cards are easier to understand (get this star, this many coins, Capless, Cannonless).
OoT, Majora's Mask, Mario 64, Symphony of the Night, and Super Metroid are the games I know that have bingo cards on speedrunslive. Of those, I only play Sotn, and even then I haven't done too many bingos myself, mostly cause I'm never on when everyone else is.
And if you think regular old Bingos are fun, wait until you see a double Bingo race. Or an anti-bingo, where one of your competitors picks which row/column you do. Or even a double-anti Bingo.
Even if you don't want to do crazy things like that, just racing games by themselves is pretty fun. SRL is a great invention that I really should take advantage of more than I have.