On one hand, I don't want to encourage the fanbase being a bunch of dicks, but on the other can you really blame people for being skeptical to donate to a fan-based promise? Anyone could throw together a bunch of comforting words and story sketches. I know nothing of TRIAL Films. Does anyone else here? Frankly, even if we as Mega Man / Mega Man Legends fans WEREN'T pissy over being burned repeatedly over the last year, I'd still see plenty of reason to be skeptical. I want to believe these guys are legitimate and that they could put something special together, but they really do need to establish an image both for themselves and for this project before they go asking for money. That's just the way it is.
Posted on: January 25, 2012, 07:56:53 PM
Well, this is nice. YouTube video is removed and the campaign page is hidden.
While neither site has any info,
their Facebook page states that The Will Of One is canned, claims that they'll be refunding donations, and that they have other projects in mind.
Can't say I'm that surprised. These guys strike me as having good intentions, but a little on the naive side. Raising half their goal (4 grand) before even releasing a teaser? Yeah, not happening.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)