So, it doesn't make sense to have both worlds co-exist and keep a game running at the same time, right? Yu Gi Oh GX has this theory for having the "spirits" of the underworld visit the planet for a day, however, it's actually an alternate reality. Bakugan explains this with Earth and Vestoria working as one until it had to be split, in which had to be with an unecessary sacrifice of Drago, which he would somehow return as the Vestorian ruler (Neo Dragonoid) when Vestoria is restored and dubbed "New Vestoria". Which somehow Dan, Marucho, and Shun return, but for the rest, whereabouts unknown.
It also happened in the EXE series, where as a new game, either the boss cast from 1 would return, or appear at the last-last minute. I knew there was going to be a pattern for Wily's comback. Vanashed in 2, reappeared in 3. And so re-appears in 5 in the ending, which hinted a sequel for Wily to switch from rage against soceity to a social problem explained in 6.
However, real life can make mistakes as such, placing a man with good enough IQ being placed in a critally low IQ enviorment, which can affect personality severely. I'm sure everyone's been through this, but then like anyone else here, has the sudden "Collector's urge" to just simply collect what seems the most appealing series to the collector.
As for the hive-like Smurfs, they may have predators, since thier sub-species are Snorks, but work diffrently, moreso like fish. They have a straw-like attenae that allows them to breathe and manuver around water, with only having the leader allowed to mate with the female Snork, and seem to live in reefs, which affect other wildlife and a high chance of encounter with Aquaman, which is another problem for them.
Then explain the good going bad? Say hi to Masqurade, who is Alice in disguise. However, this is a persona. Characters like the origional Green Lantern going bad and killing all his comerades doesn't make sense, so is skimpy and revealing outfits of female superheroes, which is in Starfire and Raven's situation. New Teen Titans is the modern animation Titans, which was strangely replaced by Autobots, though they look like they can live in harmony as guest stars.
Then again, why Detroit for Generation 8's location? Then again, why is it the number one site for aliens? It's like trying to explain Godzilla's origin in a more mature manner and how it happened, which he protects his territory, thinking like the average reptile. Monsters VS Aliens proves this, as aliens often visit America, but why exactly?
Another mind buggler, Green, Red and Blue's roles has switched around abit, as primary characters for multipule series, Red's probably the oppisite of Blue, but often described as the anti-hero. Black's usually considered bad, so it must be the media's choice to represent these characters and colors.