"Denpa Henkan! On-Air!" The plug-n-play TV Game (warning: Embed Flash)

Started by VixyNyan, May 21, 2009, 01:59:57 AM

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Game Info

テレビで遊び隊 流星のロックマン 電波変換! オン・エア!
Play-on-TV Shooting Star Rockman: Wave Change! On-Air!
Released March 15th, 2007 (Japan)

"Denpa Henkan! On Air!" is a "plug and play" TV game that came out at the early year of 2007. The device uses Xavix motion-sensing technology, and it's a self-contained module that hooks up to a TV set. The player wears a WarRock-shaped motion detector on their arm to perform different kind of actions on-screen (much like the use of a Wii Remote). The mini games and battles are in first person, similar to Super Adventure Rockman.

Product Info at Amazon JP.

Main Menu

Press Play to see the Title and every part of the Main Menu.


Mini Game (This mode lets you play six different mini-games.)
- Virus Shooting (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Slash Sword (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Guard & Guard (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Ox Fire's Power Battle (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Cygnus Wing Battle Run (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Harp Note ♪ Sound (Easy, Normal, Hard)

Free Battle (This mode lets you fight against bosses, with selectable difficulty.)
- Ox Fire (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Cygnus Wing (Easy, Normal, Hard)
- Harp Note (Easy, Normal, Hard)

Status (You can look at the battle cards you collected from the mini-games.)

Click here to see all the Battle Cards

High Score (This lets you see your high score on the mini-games.)
- Virus Shooting
- Slash Sword
- Guard & Guard
- Ox Fire's Power Battle
- Cygnus Wing Battle Run
- Harp Note ♪ Sound

- Change the Hand position: みぎ (right), ひだり (left)
- Delete your Data

On High Score mode, you can see your score in the 3 difficulties. You will also see cute Hertz icons and they will smile more when you get a specific amount of points in the mini-games. If you haven't played the mini-games yet, they will stay sad until you get a higher score.

When you win on any of the Mini Games, you will get a Battle Card. Here's all the Victory screens for them.



Virus Shooting
Slash Sword
Guard & Guard
Ox Fire's Power Battle
Cygnus Wing Battle Run
Harp Note ♪ Sound

Free Battle
On Free Battle mode, you will be able to fight against Ox Fire, Cygnus Wing and Harp Note, with 3 selectable difficulties (EASY, NORMAL, HARD).
Bosses have more health on higher difficulties and they move faster too. New attacks shows up on harder difficulties as well.

Easy and Normal doesn't unlock the Final Battle. Maybe if all 3 difficulties are beaten first. ^^;

Lift Up: Right-side Guard.
Lower Down: Left-side Guard.
Lift Up + Press Left Button: Right-side Sword Slash.
Lower Down + Press Left Button: Left-side Sword Slash.
Lower Down + Turn WarRock 90 degree forward + Press Left Button: Shoot.
Shake: Make the boss lose their grip on you.
Lift Up/Lower Down + Press Right Button: Change the Sword to something else.
Lower Down + Turn WarRock 90 degree forward + Press Right Button: Change the Shot to something else.

Ox Fire
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download

Cygnus Wing
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download

Harp Note
Easy: Download
Normal: Download
Hard: Download


I'll upload all of these to the front page later. ^^;

Is it blog-worthy now, Protodude~? >U<
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



I updated the first post with Normal Difficulty videos this time, and some explanation on how the Battle Cards works on Free Battle.
The new videos also shows new attacks that you must avoid in Free Battle. o.o;

I also added some more details on the controls for the mini games and the free battles. ^^;

The Mini Games on higher difficulty has a lot of changes too. Harp Note Sound has a new song on each difficulty.

I wasn't able to unlock the Final Battle. I think I must beat Hard mode first. '>.>

Posted on: May 22, 2009, 04:34:02
I beat the whole game! You have to beat Free Battle on Hard to unlock the Final Battle... there wasn't any credits. o.o;

[spoiler=The boss is...]Andromeda (of course). >U<

You have to guard against his fist attacks and counter-slice his fists right after the guard. You also have to guard against missile attacks from the palm of his hands. When you hit both his fists enough times, he will then charge up a very deadly laser attack, but hurry up and shoot at it before it hits you and you will be able to stop it, and then shoot at his core a couple of times. Repeat all this and you will hopefully win.[/spoiler]

The bosses on Hard has 3 levels of health. Green, Yellow and Red.

I'll upload all my video clips of every fight in a moment.

Posted on: May 22, 2009, 20:28:32
All the Hard difficulty videos are up now, and the Final Boss fight is there too.
The first post is pretty much finished right now. ^^

I will upload all of these things to the front page section later on.
Have fun watching the things on the first post, and good night. <3
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt|Twitch.tv|Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


I saw this on YouTube and thought it was cool. Too bad it's not coming to the US
"I never cared about juctice, and I dont recall ever calling myself a hero."-Zero

