...with a mouse, and well... just overall drawings tips, since I suck so much.
I remember there was thread once here, but it's now LONG GONE.
So, I want to learn how to draw. I have some basic knowledge of drawing, since I used to draw fuckton things when I was young(and also a Megaman fancomic when I barely knew anything about Megaman, and I just made [parasitic bomb] up) but to be honest, I'm bad at it. So I just need some useful tips, and maybe you could recommend me some books that help out on certain subjects, or maybe some online tutorials.
Of course I have no delusions, I know that no tutorial in itself will teach me how to draw well, if I do not try my best myself.
But, as I mentioned above, I'm interested in learning how to draw on the PC using a mouse... but is that even possible? Can you draw great things using only the mouse? Do any of you guys know any tips on that?