Here's the lowdown. This thread is for all the challenges you can come up with. Be it defeating a mettenna in the least amount of time using a standard card to taking out Joker without using your buster. Post ANY challenge you want, and if you'd like, make a badge for it! That way, you can prove you did it.
It has to be an Achievable task; You can't make it virtually impossible to complete. Keep it Fair and within reachable parameters.
No cheat device; You cannot, and I repeat
CANNOT use any form of cheating device to complete another person's challenge. If such occurs, your Challenge Complete Badge is to be removed ON THE SPOT.
It has to have playablity; Simply put, your challenge has to be capable of being even so much as be able to be attempted.
Proof Needed: If you DO complete a challenge, you should provide proof to tell you have completed your challenge or someone else's challenge.
Lastly, have fun with it!
Here's one for starters, inspired from my friend Prower42:
The Challenge: Defeat Crimson Dragon (Form 1) with only your buster.
Jokr/AcePrgrm cannot be used;
This means no noise transformations, no multi-noising, no finalizing.
No Usage of Chips or Brotherbands/Opponent Noises
Chip-Altering Programs are not to be installed.
(Prower42, if you recall any other stipulations you had for this, let me know)
Good Luck