Game looks awesome. I can't wait to see what the warps look like on the 3DS.
I had fun with Command...
It was certainly the best post-64 Star Fox, even if that's not saying much. But the game could have used a traditional control mode. Also, while I loved the variety of characters, scenarios, and endings, there should have been one "definitive" ending set apart from the rest. The first-pass one is pretty lousy.
I don't object to the theory of Fox getting the girl (who would?), but with the execution of Star Wolf's Panther being her "mother's house" where she runs when there's a problem, it's kinda hard to not see Krystal as a [sonic slicer]. She is literally defined by her love interests. Had she signed up with Corneria or Katina, without the lure of a rival lover, she might not have come off as being so shallow.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and