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Messages - Hiryu

CPS2 Remix of Megaman X4 Boss Fight

MMX4 Boss Super Remix
Gaming / Re: Ridley
April 15, 2014, 05:07:34 AM
If you didn't then why did you bother posting in this thread? Just because we're a Rockman site doesn't mean people only care about Rockman.
The future is now

Gaming / Re: Beating hard games like they owe you money
January 18, 2014, 07:24:50 PM
Quote from: Ladd Spencer on January 17, 2014, 04:27:04 AM
Those Sonic games are rough. I always wind up at Silver Sonic / Robotnik with a bunch of lives and continues, and bleed them all out fast as hell.

I never really understood why they never gave the player any rings for the boss fights. Even one would be fine! The rest of the game is fine but that part can be really tough.

QuoteOf highest interest to me are Ninja Gaiden 3, Castlevania 3, and Castlevania Bloodlines, as far as new territory is concerned. Sonic 3, Sonic & Knuckles, and Zelda 2 are rebuys for me for stuff that skipped moves. Actraiser 1 & 2 are games I've never played that I'm waiting to own the physical cartridge so as to have an unmolested authentic experience.

The original US version of Ninja Gaiden 3 was actually made a lot harder than the famicom version. I don't exactly remember why but I think it was because you don't have any continues, and enemies are stronger/hit for more. Fortunately, someone made a patch for it to revert the changes and even included a password system.

Actraiser is good. I didn't play much of the second one for whatever reason.
EXE / Re: Trying to finish my Battle Network games
January 15, 2014, 07:29:02 PM
I decided that I needed to collect all of the Battle Network games. I got 1 and 4 Blue Moon for christmas. Played 4 for a little while, remember how boring it is, started on 1. Looks like I'll be on my own for completion, if I decide to do so for 1.
Yea buddy, don't you go around pissing off THE MASTER RACE like that. Next time, try to control your enthusiasm. THE MASTER RACE is a bunch of people who don't enjoy too much celebration and happiness; It distracts them from their true goal - human depreciation. Posting too many emotes could seriously imbalance a person of THE MASTER RACE, you jerk. Just try to think about other people next time, like THE MASTER RACE.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
December 24, 2013, 06:24:48 PM
That definitely looks like another hand on the woman's shoulder.
Emulation / Re: How come PSX emulation has loading times?
December 06, 2013, 06:03:06 PM
Loading times aren't always just about the CD or the CD drive speed. The console needs time in order to pull the data from the correct part and load it into the Playstation's RAM. With a cartridge, there aren't load times because the console can access the data instantaneously.

It's like if you're looking for something in your house.  Imagine that a cartridge would be just  like an organized shed in your backyard and you can find anything because you have everything organized and it's within arm's reach. With a CD, imagine a normal house that can have several rooms, but you can put more things within the house verses the cartridge shed. You will actually have to get up, remember where you put it, go to that room, look and acquire it, then bring it back to where you were.
Number 19079
Entertainment / Re: The Let's Play Thread.
November 07, 2013, 09:10:56 PM
I couldn't decide which HCbailly video to post, so here's his playlist of his LPs:

Aloyalgamer's Suikoden:

Game Grumps
I haven't gotten one yet, and the site isn't up yet. May be a little while longer before we can meet the rest of the beckers.
Gaming / Re: Kickstater: Huniepop
October 24, 2013, 04:50:42 PM
But but, think of the tits!
Emulation / Re: Help extracting music from a GB file!
October 08, 2013, 06:06:16 PM
I'm not exactly sure how they insert music in the ROMs, but usually, you can extract a GBS file from it and then have a program convert a piece of music to other audio formats
Emulation / Re: Help extracting music from a GB file!
October 07, 2013, 05:45:15 PM
Yea, there's nothing there for Pokemon Green.

Allegedly, this program makes GBS files, but it's more of a disassembly tool and it's written in Japanese. You're supposed to load the file, hit the rectangle button above L4 Map, hit CTRL+S, select BIN and check the GBS file checkbox. I couldn't get it to play back in my Audio Overload program, so maybe it requires more tinkering:

If this seems too much trouble, I'd suggest having your emulator record the sound.
Off The Wall / Re: USB Stick Recovery
October 06, 2013, 07:18:49 PM
I'm sure there are some programs to help backup FAT32 drives. I can't make any recommendations though, as I haven't dealt with any recovery software yet.

You may want to seek more help at a technical support forum, either provided by the manufacture or by a third-party.
Entertainment / Re: The RPM Boob Tube Thread (56k warning)
September 27, 2013, 06:56:39 PM
I wouldn't doubt it considering the atmosphere of the world of Seiyu; I'd have to guess anything that uses voice overs is like this.
I really wish you would stop shitting on my favorite Megaman game. It's hurting me. You suck and your Megaman 4 sucks even harder. Megaman 3 is better in every single way. It clearly reuses things and that's great because it's completely new for the first time. I mean, look how many times the Devil boss has been reused. People like things to be recycled from the older games, right?

Earlier you posted a review of Megaman 3 vs Megaman 4's weapons, yet you complained that 6 out of 8 weapons were projectiles. Gee, projectiles coming from a cannon, damn you Capcom for being so lazy and uninspired! I mean, it was clearly recycled from the last two games, so it sucks, it's old and moldy.

Megaman 3's Rush Jet is the best Rush Jet ever. Thanks Megaman 4 for bringing something new to the table and nerfing Rush Jet.

You clearly don't know how much good recycling is. If we didn't recycle, think about how many plastic bottles we would have in landfills! If we didn't recycling things, our planet would be a lot worse off!

Quote from: MacDaddyMike on August 27, 2013, 08:22:50 PM
Oh that's such a boring answer.

Oh I'm sorry, were you expecting something a little more flashy?


Quote from: Protoman Blues on August 27, 2013, 07:13:36 PM
Okay, I'm just gonna chime in here since trying to explain why someone likes something is both pointless and silly, but how is MM4's final Wily Capsule not laughably-bad? He is so easily beaten with the uber-powerful glitched Pharaoh Shot that it's a goddamn joke.Even Arino beat him on GCCX for christ sake.

I lol'd
There might be a Gameshark code since all you need to dash again is to hit the ground and not have dashed before. Might be a flag or something you can hold the value for.
It would be nice to see something other than a Megaman 2 clone. I mean we already have like 50 ROM hacks of the game. Half of those are beyond terrible though.

But Megaman 2 was the best game of the series and they say imitation is a form of flattery. But how about we flatter some of the other games now?
Original / Re: Wily's Skull Castles: Best Skull Flair
August 09, 2013, 07:00:06 PM
In order:  10  5  9  7  3  2  6  4  8
X / Re: Help with a bug in X3
July 28, 2013, 01:02:37 AM
I've never seen this before, it's an interesting game-breaking bug. How exactly do you do it?
Gaming / Re: New Strider Game
July 19, 2013, 08:01:20 PM
Quote from: Mirby on July 19, 2013, 02:36:41 AM
paging Hiryu to the thread

paging Hiryu

You rang?


Well the announcement trailer makes it look like Strider 2 dipped in candy, so I'm all game for that. Metroidvania style gameplay is definitely a plus for me. Will most likely buy day one. Cannot wait for 2014 now!
Though disappointing that they decided to make this 2-D, it still looks really good. Will definitely buy it.
General / Re: Computer Problem Thread
May 24, 2013, 06:28:08 PM
Seems like a common problem possibly caused by a recent windows update, that people aren't exactly sure how to fix it.