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Messages - DarkWaltz

Entertainment / Re: At The Movies With RPM
May 19, 2014, 03:43:42 PM
Or even open up for MechaGodzilla? Those [spoiler]fossils they found in the beginning of the movie? Although they might be too damaged for it...[/spoiler]

Still King Ghidorah would be awesome to see as well, and Rodan and Mothra just for nostalgic reasons. But King Ghidorah definitely.
Entertainment / Re: At The Movies With RPM
May 18, 2014, 12:51:49 PM
Quote from: PBPB on May 17, 2014, 08:54:24 AM

Entertainment / Re: At The Movies With RPM
December 12, 2013, 01:16:56 AM
Well I was going to post the Godzilla trailer but I see PB has beaten me to it.  >0<

That freaking roar at the end gave me chills. So going to see it.
So playing last night, Vixy's Sylveon visited my game as it was on the Pokemon-amie part. XD
Meowly I got both of your codes, I also got Hypershell's.

Anyone else I'm missing?
Off The Wall / Re: The 'How Was Your Day' Thread
October 16, 2013, 03:43:38 AM
Quote from: Protoman Blues on October 14, 2013, 10:13:09 PM
Awesome. Where?

An Appliance Repair Center, I do scheduling and dispatching. I have the tickets and organization down, now if I can just not be so awkward over the phone. Damn answering machines throw me off a lot. Not to mention that they'll put a landlord's name and number on the ticket and they don't want me calling them and then I get to play 'find the tenant's number'. So much fun that.

Despite that, it's a M-F job from 8am-5pm with a hour for lunch. And they'll pay me more then the Bowling alley is. So Friday rolls in and I'll be putting my two weeks in. X3
Off The Wall / Re: The 'How Was Your Day' Thread
October 14, 2013, 10:06:14 PM
I got a new job! *spazzes* I start tomorrow morning. ^_^
I'm messing around with it right now. I'm already loving all the effort that they've put into it. I especially love how the trainer kneels when talking to someone like a young child or short Pokemon. I find it cute. I'll be level grinding while I make lunch.
Guy at Gamestop told me that they're not doing a midnight release though. I bet you Wal-Mart will sell them at 12:01 but I already reserved my copy at Gamestop. Amusingly, my shift leader, Will is getting X and we're both working Saturday night. Pokemon battle at opposite ends of the Bowling alley.  >U<

I might not be able to sleep tonight. >.>
Yeah, definitely getting Honedge when I can. I've actually liked its forms throughout the evolution line.

And since I always nickname my Pokemon, I need to find a good name for it.
Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
September 27, 2013, 04:52:51 PM
I could barely sleep last night because of this damn head cold. Coughing, dry throat, runny nose and a headache with no cold medicine to fight back with.

At least my father has the same thing so I'm not suffering alone. Ha.
Forum Games / Re: What are you currently Eating?
September 15, 2013, 06:16:07 AM
I'm having a wonderful dinner of.... donuts! Because by the time I get home hot food would be lukewarm. =/
So from the second evo starters.... yeah Shinobu's definitely going with Froakie. He got my eye first. I also want the ice/rock brontosaurus looking one.
Forum Games / Re: What are you currently Eating?
September 08, 2013, 06:12:34 PM
I took lemon cake mix and strawberry cake mix and made cookies out of them. They're actually quite good if you prefer something softer.

Shame I couldn't get the glaze consistent. >.>
That second sprite, just makes him creepy.

Love it! XD
Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
September 04, 2013, 01:03:28 AM
So my two and half year old niece used the potty today. Good for her.
Finally Richmond is getting an anime/comic/gaming convention!
Quote from: Mirby on August 12, 2013, 04:16:43 PM
since it appears i forgot to mention this

For those in the US who've preordered this game at GameStop, some locations are actually giving out the preorder bonus incredibly early, as in right now.

The bonus? A double sided poster, one side showing Xerneas and Yveltal while the other (better) side shows the Kalos region. Though nothing is labeled, it's still cool to have.

*waves poster enticingly at the monitor* Oh wait... you all can't see it. Sorry.
Back to the drawing board again, but I'll be going to my other job in few more minutes.
 :\  Sadly I get there and they tell me the position is filled.
Got about another twenty minutes before I leave. X3
My pancakes and waffles are the same. Butter and syrup only. With sausage or bacon on the side with a glass of orange juice.

Dammit, now I'm hungry...
Thanks guys. ^^

It's a sign and banner printing company.
I have a job interview tomorrow guys! Wish me luck!
Fire Red - Charmander
Heart Gold/Gold - Chikorita
Ruby - Mudkip
Diamond - Turtwig
White/ Black 2 - Snivy
Y - ???

I mean, frogs and ninja seem to go well in hand but Fennekin seems like the kind Shinobu would go for.