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Messages - Zed Kal Eios

Zero / Theory on Zero and the Four Guardians.
June 24, 2014, 10:43:20 AM
So I never got around to thanking you guys for your posts in my last topic, just want to do that now before getting back on track, it helped enlighten me and I really appreciate it.

To the point at hand I wonder if Zero, despite being in a copy body but in possession of his full "heart and soul" was always stronger than the Guardians, who were singular aspects of the greater whole that represented X's potential? That they would always be weaker than a combative reploid of Zero's class because their combative prowess was in essence divided into quarters between them, but even that little amount is still enough to outclass most other combative reploids of the era.

Does that make sense or am I grasping at straws?
Mostly this stems from the argument about why Axl never showed up in any mention at all during the Zero games, but my opposite in the debate is trying to press the view that X6's ending with Zero sealing himself up is an irrefutable and direct event that closes off the possibility of it ever happening at any other point in the timeline - especially after X7 or X8, which would nullify Axl's presence and explain why he's missing from the Zero games.

I've just linked him to the Timeline of X and MegaMan Zero then and now topics by Zan on here, but I'd like to ask for any additional info I can use to persuade him otherwise.
[spoiler]For the record, I have no idea how to get the image links the natural way like the rest of you, so these had to be screen-capped, cut down to size, and the address copy-pasta'd for your viewing pleasure today  ::)[/spoiler]

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.

Pixiv, here.
Quote from: Zan on September 27, 2009, 11:53:27 PM
It simply irked me that you excused it with: "I don't have access to all sorts of obscure info" instead of just "I remembered wrong."

There's no shame in recalling something wrong. But if your issue is not having access to obscure info, then take the opportunity to learn about it so that we're all on the same level. There's not that much obscure info to deal with, so it can easily be supplied for all those that wish to see it. Doing just that, I tried informing you of the exact sources of the more obscure facts.

I apologize for being rude to you in one of my previous posts, and having taken some time to get over the anger it incited at the time, I thank you for providing me with the information required to correct what I remembered wrong.

Concerning the topic at hand, I do not feel that the Livemetals have shown the same results as the reploids they were based on/use the souls of at present. If we ever get a ZX3 that moves the time line forward, perhaps that potential will be demonstrated fuller, but as of ZXA the Livemetal chosen ones still have room to grow through experience compared to the originals.

The first post after Zans' wasn't sarcasm, Flame. I'm the newb to Zans Vet, I'm not going to fight against this level of information when I'm so obviously wrong on the subject matter.
Having been promptly crushed into oblivion beneath not only Zans wall of text, but his(?) superior knowledge on subjects of which I have only the english released games to guide me with, I will bow out and rescind my prior comments and hence forth retreat from such matters.
Quote from: Flame on September 24, 2009, 07:54:07 AM
Well, when we think about it, X and Zero are still there. the originals are still there. If there's one thing that Zero himself has proven, is that The body really doesnt matter, as long as the heart is the real thing. ZX pretty much is the same. theyre still the ones fighting, with Vent and Aile as their vessels. same for the other big 4, (In ZX1 anyway)

so the originals we're talking about are still there, and are still the strongest.

I have to disagree. The real X became a Cyber elf and ran out of power after the events of Z3, returning to Cyberspace permanently. If Zero truly died in the destruction of Ragnarok, than his Cyber elf would have either stuck around for awhile or simply passed onward into Cyberspace as well.

Ciel herself had nothing of the original duo to use when she made Biometal X and Biometal Z, as noted in game, so she had to use Biometal/Ragnarok Core W for the process. She may have programmed the two Biometals as close as possible to X and Zeros personalities, but they don't have the "heart" or "soul" of the originals as you put it.

Damn near close considering how much time she spent with Zero, but still not the same as the original.