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Messages - Gojira345

Have any of you found the AI scripts for Robot Masters and decoded them?

For example, toad man jumps when shot, so that string is written in his code. However, what causes Quick Man to throw boomerangs or how is the egg layout of Slash Man determined? Is it random, or does the code imply a specific command.

Don't just leave this to the classic series, any boss info would be nice, especially if it's unusual or helpful!

actually, that is my gamefaqs sig.

Let me edit that... O:<
For all 2D series.

COMMANDMENT l: Thou shalt not design bosses that can go off the playing screen, especially bosses

with the nature to attack suddenly and move quickly.

The punishment for breaking commandment l is an eternity of fighting Burner Man, only firing thy

blaster when the master is offscreen.

COMMANDMENT ll: Thou shalt not create weapons that have severely limited use outside of boss

fights, nor shall ye create weapons that are replaced by other weapons that function similarly

only better.

The punishment for breaking commandment ll is to complete the Doc Robot stages of Mega Man 3 for

eternity with only Spark Shock and Top Spin.

COMMANDMENT lll: Thou shalt not create areas to traverse through that are impossible not to get

damaged in without trickery or hackery.

The punishment for breaking commandment lll is to play Crash Man's stage in Mega Man 2 for

eternity without the pause glitch, special weapons, or any health afforded above 1 pixel.

COMMANDMENT lV: Thou shalt not have Rush Jet vanish upon pausing, for a long ride may call for a

bathroom break.

The punishment for breaking commandment lV is an eternity of traversing the Rush Jet section of

Needle Man's Doc Robot stage with the pause button on turbo.

COMMANDMENT V: Thou shalt not go into to trickier or cheapery that cannot be avoided with

reflexes. Yea, let it be known that foreknowledge is cheapery, and not welcome in the Kingdom of


The punishment for breaking commandment V is to fight Wily in Mega Man 2 just after the boss rush

with 1 pixel of energy for all eternity. Failure will send thee back to the damned hallway before

the buie beam traps. Let it be known that this is an eternity without special weapons.

COMMANDMENT Vl: Thou shalt not portray Wily/Sigma as friend or uninvolved when they clearly are

involved. Yea, let it be known that the jig was up on Wily/Sigma when MM"insert number here" was


The punishment for breaking commandment Vl will be to lay eyes upon the intro to Mega Man 5 for

all eternity, but the audio will be replaced with the tongue of Flame Hyenard.

COMMANDMENT Vll: Thou shalt not split the 8 Robot Masters/Mavericks into groups of 4, 2, 3, or any

value other than 8 on the selection screen.

The punishment for breaking commandment Vll will be to play Search Man's stage for eternity with

no special weapons and verily, a health bar of 1 pixel.

COMMANDMENT Vlll: Thou shalt not make the controls lack customization. Verily this includes

command dash, weapon assignment and buster buttons.

The punishment for breaking commandment Vlll will be to play Mega Man X6 for eternity on the

highest level of difficulty. Yea, let it be known that the controls will assort to their will at

every 5 second mark.

COMMANDMENT lX: Thou shalt not create bosses, mazes, or areas where running out of special weapon

energy dooms the player.

Yea, the breaking of  commandment lX is punishable by an eternity fighting the Buie Beam trap in

Mega Man 2, and the only weapon shall be Bubble Lead.

COMMANDMENT X: Thou shalt not bear false witness about the methods of obtaining secrets nor bear

false witness about the method of unlocking secrets in a Mega Man title for attention and profit.

The punishment for breaking commandment X is an eternity surrounded by Mega Man fans of all ages,

creeds and colors. And yea, unto the they shall ask questions of all natures whilst thy hands are

glued to a controller and a running copy of Mega Man X7. Let it be knownst unto thee that all of

the onlookers will have the tongue and vocal elegance of Flame Hyenard, and that the game shall

shock the player every time Axl says something ignorant and blasphemus.

AND yea, the fans of Mega Man brought the data chips down from Wily Tower, and presented them to

the developers. The developers; being wicked; cried out in anguish and pain, but ultimately

complied to the will of Dr. Light.

And yea, unto thee verily and foremost, to avoid the fiery and technical pits where Wily, Sigma,

and Serpent rule, give a hearty Amen unto Light.


So I guess it's more up to finding a "don't get cornered" strategy that puts you in the best position to dodge either attack every time.

Kinda like fighting Plug Man in 9. He can only really hit someone familiar with the pattern if he glues them to the wall. Thus, most strategies involve going under him as he draws near.

So, if we found out that Bright Man's Freeze attack is based on his health, then maybe we can figure out the patterns/ reactions of other bosses to have an easier time.

SHADOW: My money is on reaction based. Either that or there is supposed to be some other method of fighting him buster only, because waiting to react only works if he does blades. Even at a far distance if he slides and you haven't committed to a jump as soon as his animation changes, then you will be hit as you rise. Ouch.

QUICK: Gotta be some pattern to when he throws the rangs. other than that I can see his jumps being random. Also thinking that it's reaction based.

PHAROAH: He seems to be lockable into a pattern, considering how many videos I've seen of people trading charge shots with him for the WHOLE battle.

Well, at least the boomerang seems to block some boss Fefnir's fire in MMZ2. It blocks every projectile he has that isn't the ground quake....
Also in this topic;

People whom can't stand when the search function isn't used as they wish.

One person with a problem out of 10 whom don't.

Is there a list of every Zknuckle grab?

Also, if one where to Zknuckle only the game, does every stage have a good grabbable weapon for each boss?

Why didn't it get it's own EX Skill....
I thought that the shield could at least BLOCK some other projectiles WITHOUT reflecting them. Could've sworn I've viewed a hard mode vid of someone using the shield boomerang to block the laser's from Copy X.....

What about the Z Knuckle? Any boss fight it is wildly useful for? I know the Axe is good for the moth, and that the bare knuckle is good for Mandrago, and that you can get some elemental advantages against some bosses, like using the fire sword against Lunawolf. The Drill works great on Weil 1 boss as well.
Zero / Shield Boomerang/Z Knuckle Reflection/Uses list
October 14, 2009, 06:58:59 AM
More on this later, but I'd love to have a collection of this info for a guide.

All things the shield boomerang can reflect?
Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
October 11, 2009, 02:20:12 AM
I still think it's a weapon to fill that empty slot.

Prolly one of the bases they didn't cover with the other weapons, like Time stopping/slowing or a boomerang.

Considering that Magman, Splash and Tornado look like Fefnir/Leviathon and Harupia respectivley, my guess is that Phantom is in the game, and gives you the sheild boomerang weapon.....

Not really...

Zero / Re: Best way to farm late game in MMZ1?
October 06, 2009, 02:06:45 PM
can someone explain how to maintain the inf boomerang trick on the spawn point?

I can't seem to do it. after 8 or 10 revolutions I tend to either hit an enemy or boomerang.

Zero / Best way to farm late game in MMZ1?
October 06, 2009, 03:22:19 AM
Best way to farm crystals?

Also, it's very hard for me to keep the infinite boomerang method going, so I created another method to kill all for enemies at once with a charged saber every time it's fully charged. However, is there anyone here that can fully explain the infinite boomerang mechanics/execution and anyone whom can provide an alternative place to farm?

X / Re: Megaman X6. No parts. Shadow Armor. Gate 2....
September 29, 2009, 07:02:34 PM

Someone on Gfaqs told me to use Magma blade to get across....
Shadow Armor doesn't use special weapons....

Original / Re: Mega Man 9's secret?
September 26, 2009, 03:03:04 AM
Hold that thought for what?
X / Megaman X6. No parts. Shadow Armor. Gate 2....
September 26, 2009, 03:01:54 AM
.....Final Destination!

you know what I mean... as long as the explosion connects.
Yeah, so the aim doesn't matter, just the timing?
I don't know. Would OIS bounce off of quickman as well?

Either way, this topic is a bit derailed....


The game would be far better balanced if Chronoforce's charge move was to shoot the miniCronos and not to freeze time.

It's a shame, but lot's of MM games have their "metal blade" effect.
Yeah, it's not that the "A trans" aren't all useful or damaging enough to use.

It's that some are TOO useful *cough* CHRONOFORCE *cough*
Quite the touchy one aren't you?

Either way, they are a bit more useful than let on, especially if experimented with. The game's system of canceling invincibility on bosses for new moves makes great for mixing and matching.

How do you do that?

I figured that Wily Saucer 2 in MM2 just fired bouncing balls at random at you.
For example, you can easily kill the shisaroids with Rospark as long as you turn away when they jump in the first fight. Fight two it will not work.

Bifrost can chomp away at the carrier on Queenbee and block her missiles/bees.

Bifrost clears the blocks in the last area easily.

Rospark> Snake Miniboss.


In other words, no.

You'd think someone on youtube would have a vid of dodging at least one of them.