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Messages - megaman24681012

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Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:38:45 PM »
What? You don't know?

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: January 29, 2014, 10:29:00 PM »
Speaking of dubs, I was discussion the 3rd Eva movie with my friend and he says the dub completely missed the message of the end of the movie regarding Shinji.

What did Funimation change? I you don't mind me asking.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: January 17, 2014, 04:12:12 AM »
It's nice to know that, while we all have our diverse and occasionally controversial opinions on the entertainment industry, we can all agree on something here.

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 12, 2014, 08:40:59 PM »
What're you going to do? Nuke that from orbit?

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:11:33 AM »
Apparently there's a kickstarter for a new Megaman board game. I wonder what's up with that. And yes, I just found out about this.

Entertainment / Re: The RPM Boob Tube Thread (56k warning)
« on: January 03, 2014, 12:37:17 AM »
Can you not talk to me please, you're annoying so I'd appreciate it.

I am offended. Why haven't you said that to me yet?

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:55:03 AM »
The thing I can't stand about video game creepypastas nowadays is they are cliché as [tornado fang] with no sort of creativity whatsoever yet they have widespread popularity for all the wrong reasons. "Oh, there's hyper-realistic blood!" "Oh, there's blood and guts everywhere!" "Oh, this game is possessed / haunted / cursed!" "Oh, this character is portrayed as demonic and evil with black eyes and bloody tears!" "Oh, I'm too stupid to NOT play this game!" "Oh, it has FILE EXTENSION at the end of its title!"

[spoiler]Sonic.exe, you suck.[/spoiler]

I have listened to some creepypastas readings from Slowbeef of the worst ones out there and I just want to laugh my ass off to this stuff.

There, I broke silence.

Do you watch Yuriofwind? He does fantastic dramatic readings of bad creepypastas.

DOHOHOHOHO. You guys are teasing the new guy and you didn't let me in on the fun?!

Greetings Zynk! I am megaman24681012. But why must I mention this if you can easily read it off my label? Because, like every post you've been reading, I'm afraid it might go right over your head!

On topic. The Call F design is cool, I'm just disappointed it looks VERY similar to Roll. Also because Wily Call looks like she can be a whole lot of fun to play with in terms of writing purposes. You know, Good guy Beck and Bad girl Call working together. That kind of stuff.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: December 27, 2013, 06:01:32 AM »

That may be the vaguest opinion I've ever read.

Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
« on: December 27, 2013, 05:04:13 AM »
Oh, its valvrave. I hear good things about it. Why the hubbub over it?

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: December 25, 2013, 05:59:54 AM »
I've been pre-occupied with ALBW, but now I'm resuming this. So far, the game is still incredibly easy.

I just had a spit take. Thanks.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: December 20, 2013, 02:54:12 AM »
I'm regretting starting this debate.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: December 20, 2013, 02:12:39 AM »
*stares at 3DS game*

I can't cheat 3DS. I can't modify Pokes in X or Y. I can mod pre-gen 6 Pokes in gen 5 then transfer them.  8)

Forum Games / Re: Super "What Are You Thinking?" ReBirth
« on: December 19, 2013, 09:16:01 PM »
I fell down. Tripped on nothing. This day is going to be great.

Ah internet controversy. Nothing but swaths of arrogant, ignorant bickering in the guise of passive aggressive meta-commentary.

Why must it be something Megaman related? We get a bad enough rap as it is.

Gaming / Re: Pokemon Generation VI: Pokemon X and Pokemon Y
« on: December 19, 2013, 09:42:42 AM »

Yeah, you guys have fun with that.

Oh, well this is awkward then. I guess the problem solved itself then. BACK TO LURKING!

Holy cow. Turn my back for a few days and suddenly the Internet is set ablaze by something else megaman related.

What the heck is going on? From my understanding some moderator on the MN9 forums mentioned she wanted a female Beck in the game playable in some form. And it somehow spiraled into another INTERWEBZ ARGUMENTZ OF FEMINIZMZ.

Wat. Internet level with me, do you guys go out of your way to tear apart the feminist theory?

It`s strange. The show got so popular during its time that it achieved anti-popularity and became the butt of every weaboo joke. I blame it the over hype phenomenon. Everyone keeps talking about how good something is, tangents of interest will develop unrealistic expectations and consider it the worst thing ever just because the show doesn't meet them.   

It's a damn shame that Lucky Star didn't continue after the OVA, because I would choose that over Haruhi, any day.

Yes, I said it.

Yeah you did.

This news has re-awoken the Haruhi-haters. WOOHOO.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:39:05 PM »
That's fine really.
You have every right to disagree with me.

[spoiler]Doesn't change that I consider you a [parasitic bomb]-eater.[/spoiler]

So please. Carry on with your love for this garbage. I will simply continue hating it and anybody who genuinely thinks this is a good movie.

I guess that's fair. I too have shows and fan bases I actively hate. Though I expected this unadulterated maliciousness from Ruri, but not you. I thought you were better than this.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:28:31 PM »
Okay, good for you.

I'm cool with you, kinda.

I ain't cool with what Tron thinks.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 14, 2013, 08:18:10 PM »
I've just EXPERIENCED the third Madoka movie.
With Ruri "at my side".

[spoiler]Anybody who eats this [parasitic bomb] up should be dragged out on to the streets and SHOT[/spoiler]

[tornado fang] this anime.

Watching it is the true suffering.

Hello, my name is Megaman and I'm not the guy judging you by your tastes in anime.

The CD-i Zelda games were already a thing.

I fail to see how this can ever be used as a compelling argument in any way.

Anime & Manga / Re: What Anime are you Currently Watching?
« on: December 10, 2013, 09:52:23 AM »
I didn't know where to put this so I opted for the closest relative.

Just finished watch Madoka Magica: The Rebellion Story.


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