Quote from: Hypershell on June 30, 2009, 11:48:09 PM>.> I must admit, the whole setup of the wii zapper was pretty bad, but it could've been worse. The Nyko Perfect Shot was a bit too heavy though, but helluva lot of fun. My GF got that one. Only thing is the game I was playing wasn't meant to be played with such things, so yeah. >.> You had to push the "A" button and crap.
To me the Zapper (likeas ALL two-handed gun brackets on the Wii) is utter failure for the simple fact that the trigger is on your forward hand, which should never be the case in any projectile weapon whatsoever, realistic or fantasy.
*hugs his Nyko Perfect Shot*
*cries over his lack of the Rabbid's plunger gun*
Anyways; what's the Rabbid's Plunger Gun? I haven't heard of that one.