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Messages - Lilwolf

Gaming / Re: Games you were never meant to see...
July 02, 2009, 03:28:10 AM
Quote from: Hypershell on June 30, 2009, 11:48:09 PM
To me the Zapper (likeas ALL two-handed gun brackets on the Wii) is utter failure for the simple fact that the trigger is on your forward hand, which should never be the case in any projectile weapon whatsoever, realistic or fantasy.

*hugs his Nyko Perfect Shot*


*cries over his lack of the Rabbid's plunger gun*
>.> I must admit, the whole setup of the wii zapper was pretty bad, but it could've been worse. The Nyko Perfect Shot was a bit too heavy though, but helluva lot of fun. My GF got that one. XD Only thing is the game I was playing wasn't meant to be played with such things, so yeah. >.> You had to push the "A" button and crap.

Anyways; what's the Rabbid's Plunger Gun? I haven't heard of that one.
Gaming / Re: Games you were never meant to see...
June 30, 2009, 08:26:07 AM
In Chronicles, did you change the settings to make it so it's set to use the wii zapper? That way you don't have to hit the buttons.

Technically, you don't need ANY of the wii attachments (zapper or otherwise) to play the games; but it sure makes em more fun XD
Gaming / Re: Games you were never meant to see...
June 30, 2009, 07:00:52 AM
I beg to differ; have you seen their house of the dead port, big game hunter, and Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles? I'd say those were pretty good games XD Others would prolly disagree though.
Gaming / Re: NES Games - The Old Times
June 29, 2009, 12:22:00 PM
It did make them last longer, but god...

DL a copy of Supermario Forever/Frustration XD You'll love it.
Forum Games / Re: The ^, <, V Game!
June 27, 2009, 07:34:27 AM
^ Yes, I am mad, thank you.
< Agrees.
V Will post a picture of a bunny with a pancake on his head.
Gaming / Re: NES Games - The Old Times
June 27, 2009, 07:33:12 AM
How is it NES games were SO DAMN FRUSTRATINGLY HARD? O:< There are some I couldn't even get past the first level right...(Including Pit's game...Can't pull up the name of it now, though, for some reason. Tried it for a good solid month..Heck, even the first zelda game was a pain in the arse D: Compared to the SNES one at least.)

Psh, I prolly fall into the category of 'newer games are too hard but the old ones are too easy' though, so yeah.
Gaming / Re: List Those Free Games!
June 27, 2009, 07:27:30 AM
May also be what settings I stuck in there too >.> I unno. Either way >> XD
...What?! They're tuna cookies? That changes EEEEEEEEVERYTHING!

Yeah. Welcome...aboard? I guess...We're a boat now! Yaay!
Anime & Manga / Re: Elfen Lied
June 26, 2009, 05:38:55 PM
LOL I see...And understand, too. Being the kanji is so differant from our alphabet and has so many characters and such, it would make it a lot harder. I'm more and more tempted each day to put it on a list of what to study over the summer...>.> But uh. I hardly wanna do that. Go figure...maybe next year. lol...
Gaming / Re: List Those Free Games!
June 26, 2009, 05:36:19 PM
I installed it on my pc; it's largely unfinished from what I can tell...but its an obvious work in project. More emphasis on maps, then models, though. They're in desperate need of models...There's no head model >.> Try going into 3rd person mode (like, the 9 key I think. One of the numbers...) and there's no head. I laughed, but yeah. The hands are also still...textureless...but other then it being a work in model and full of bugs; it'd be interesting to become a part of it.
But its fun?
Quote from: Dr. Wily II on June 25, 2009, 08:17:45 AM
But I was the one that gave you the cookie... O^O
Yes but then robo stole it T_T So I was without a cookie :'( So I ate it out of his hand. Hope he didn't need those 3 fingers I got with it :D Wuhahahahaha...
Anime & Manga / Re: Elfen Lied
June 25, 2009, 09:10:45 AM
Quote from: Alucard von Mosquiton on June 25, 2009, 08:32:39 AM
Bah. Just you wait till I learn Japanese. imma go to japan and be juuust fine there.
Thats another thing...with a complicated language like Japanese X_X I swear I have problems communicating in ENGLISH most of the time, you want me to learn ANOTHER language?! Blasphemy! XD

>.> Even though I could prolly speak italian.
Forum Games / Re: The ^, <, V Game!
June 25, 2009, 09:09:44 AM
^ Got Pwnt by the pink panther
< Probablly will be, too, but
V Yeah, you know you can't resist the pinkness of the panther.
Hokay then...I'mma just gonna disapear for a while then. I SHALL RETURN!

Anime & Manga / Re: Elfen Lied
June 25, 2009, 07:52:15 AM
Y'see, there can't be an initial movement of such a scale..You'd need to learn the language and blach. Besides, can't acclimate too well to a country like Japan that's so VASTLY different then your current one without a hopes of gaining their culture first...

...that was unnecessarily complicated. 8)
@Flame: Or is it? ;) XD

@Robo-Ky MK III.: *Eats cookie out of hand and mews happily* =^^'= Tank yoo for feedingz mez! :D I can has moar?
Forum Games / Re: The ^, <, V Game!
June 25, 2009, 06:56:51 AM
^ Is quite amused, as predicted
> HEY! LOOK! Scroll bar! :D
V Lulled at the >
WOW That's a while ago though o_o

I'm playing on a private server now which has some stability errors, but otherwise is pretty good. PM me if you're interested, it has nothing to do with this topic >>
Anime & Manga / Re: Elfen Lied
June 25, 2009, 05:22:51 AM
Quote from: Shiki Tohno on June 24, 2009, 09:25:02 PM
Japan doesn't have the taboo the Western World has that marrying your cousins is incestuous. In fact, it's rather part of their culture.
That explains a HELL of a lot.

I've been trying to figure that out >.> I don't know so much about current Japanese culture and so forth. Tradition's one thing but yeah. I'm also a native of the US and this country tends to be blind to everyone else >.> Oh well...that's life. Live, learn, and move to England. XD
Anime & Manga / Re: Cat Soup
June 25, 2009, 05:20:42 AM
I'll have to attack the series later. Kinda busy ATM >> Thanks Vixy :D
Quote from: RMX on June 24, 2009, 12:50:56 PM
Expect Japanese economy to collapse

Don't mind me, just being a better, more charismatic RO loli monster
xD You play RO too? Rawr :D

More like nekomimi right there but yeah...I unno. Loli Ruri seemed pretty awesome to me.
Forum Games / Re: The ^, <, V Game!
June 25, 2009, 05:17:01 AM
^ Is secretly a killer robot/pirate
V Is amused that Lilwolf is not amused.
Oh we have fun aaaaaaaaaallll night long.

...>.> XD We went through hell...I mean school...together >.>
Quote from: Kyouya Garyuu on June 24, 2009, 07:56:31 AM
I don't see the point in making a seperate news topic instead of just posting in this one (Or Protodude updating the topic with the same image he posted on his blog), but that's me.

I'm gonna go with early hint for the hell of it.

Or Capcom just being lazy. 8D
Capcom? Being lazy?! Nonsense! </sarcasm>

Wouldn't be the first time...I mean, when they released Ookami for the Wii (Re-release, it was origionally a PS2 title) they ripped the coverart from some fan site. It even still has the watermark on it. (A VERY good watermark, but still. It's one of those blends in with the picture, you can barely see it type things)

No, they didn't have permission to do that >.> I lulled.