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Messages - SoloUnit315

Original / Re: Mega Man 11 discussion - spoilers
November 03, 2018, 04:55:35 PM
There seems to be quite a lot of debate about which is more expensive, and devs tend to agree that it is contingent on the type of game being made. That's neither here nor there, though, as a matter of personal preference.

What I will give them credit for is that the weapons you attain are far more useful than previous titles. If I'm being honest, I very rarely used attained weapons for anything other than boss battles (the obvious exception being metal blade). But in 11, there are plenty of circumstances that give you a strategic advantage to in changing weapons multiple times in a single map, and even during boss fights while you set yourself up to use their weakness. They certainly did that better than any title before it.
Original / Re: Mega Man 11 discussion - spoilers
October 28, 2018, 11:22:52 PM
Oh, and if they are going to bring Mega Man's classic side scrolling into the future, they really need to ditch this 2.5D nonsense. It isn't "ugly", but it's still stiff and awkward. This game would have been amazing with more expressive, smoother, hand drawn sprites. It's one of the most popular styles of the current year, and for good reason. It really gives games some polished character that MM11 currently lacks.
Original / Re: Mega Man 11 discussion - spoilers
October 28, 2018, 11:16:44 PM
It's been a while... Honestly, I'm glad Mega Man is making a return and it's being very well received, I just wish I could enjoy it as much as some people are. I want to like Mega Man 11, but it's very difficult to. Since a lot of people seem to regard the 8-bit games as some of the hardest games on the NES, and I can almost breeze through all of them without getting hit, I'm going to have to say this game's difficulty in unprecedented, and I feel as though it's for all the wrong reasons, really.

Levels are frustratingly long for a Mega Man game. They just go on and on and on. Really, I wouldn't have a problem with that if there were more flags to start off at, but they're really far apart and if you die, the level length has a nasty habit of making the whole experience very boring, very quickly.

When I do die, it is ALWAYS a pit or an insta-kill hazard coupled with a very inconveniently placed enemy. Seriously, Impact Man's stage is a friggin hell hole, much like Block Man's stage. I heard a lot of people had issues with Torch Man's stage, but as long as you have the blizzard attack, it's not difficult at all. But the pits are unforgivable for me, and a lot of it revolves around things you almost have no way of preparing for. It nearly makes it trial and error, and when you go back to beginning at the end of your lives, that feels bad bro.

It is PUNISHING. There are times when I can pick it up for about an hour and feel satisfied with it, but often, it feels cheep and outright annoying. VASTLY better than Mighty No. 9 for sure, and I'm sure I'll eventually get the hang of it, but I really have to make time in advanced because, once again, the levels are SOOOOOOOO long. And these problems make it average. 7/10. Could have been much better.
Gaming / Re: Mighty No. 9
July 31, 2016, 07:31:15 PM
Quote from: ViperAcidZX on July 24, 2016, 05:42:44 AM
Assuming Inti and (most likely) Comcept are not being flooded with thousands of hate e-mails and tweets.

... They are... The release was a well known flop with a lot of critical exposure. Everything was handled very irresponsibly, and from what I can tell, backers are still waiting for a product they were promised that they already know is mediocre at the very best and nowhere near the embellished hype or the demos and concepts they've seen. Personally, I thought the game was... Fairly awful. It looked ugly, the stages were lackluster, uninspired, and just didn't feel fun at all to me. All of this seemed very very lazy. The boss battles were okay, but that did little to keep me captivated. I didn't play it all the way through... I don't intend to...

It would honestly surprise me if a sequel is made. It certainly will NEVER be made on a crowd funding platform, that's pretty much for certain. Oh well, I can honestly say that I was no longer invested in it a year and a half ago, so at least I wasn't very disappointed. Really, I don't think getting in contact with the devs will mean anything. How many times has getting in contact with the devs worked with anything Megaman? Getting in contact with the devs didn't matter when this was being made. Sorry, but I'm skeptical enough to say that getting in contact with the devs won't matter for a sequel, either. Just let them do their thing, let the game designers be game designers, and we'll see what comes of it. So far, fan suggestions and fans playing major roles in development has been nothing but a castastrophic mess.
Guten Tag, it's been a few years. I haven't been on here since #GetMeOffTheMoon (still too soon?). It's actually a surprise to see a forum like this still as active as it is, considering the major famine we've been having for the past few years.

Anyway, I haven't seen a post about this, well, anywhere, and I gotta say it's not all that surprising considering the initial reception. However, and I am a little late to the party as usual, but I decided to download Blast Ball a couple days ago. My initial expectations were low to say the least, yet this demo blew me away like I would have never expected.

Perhaps it's the competition that really grabs me. But let's dig into it. First of all, the controls. I think they are very solid, and improve upon the controls Metroid Prime Hunters had. Really, I think it's on par with the original Metroid prime when it comes to layout and ease of use. Movement is fluent and responsive, being able to line up your shots at an angle adds a depth of strategy to a first person shooter that is satisfying to say the least, once it is mastered. The gyroscopic aiming could have been calibrated to be a little less sensitive, it's a tad difficult to use at first, but if you switch to control layout B (not really the best option, but it's a nice commonly used layout for newcomers that have played games like Call of Duty) it's a bit easier to master if your using the C stick on a New 3DS. Eventually, I did manage to master the subtle movements necessary to use the motion recognition controls, and it felt natural.

I actually like the style of the game. I know esthetics is a matter of stark opinion, and that most don't favor it in the slightest, but after seeing a character model of Samus, I actually found it fairly reminiscent of the drawings we saw in the old instruction manual. It doesn't seem nearly as serious as the series has presented itself, thus far, but I approve of the cheeky character animations, the fairly detailed models, and the fun direction you'd expect to see from a team oriented adventure. It's colorful and exciting in my opinion.

The concept is fairly simple, shoot a ball into the opposing team's goal. Actually, it sounds so simple, it's almost lacking, right? Yet, this game knows what it is, and it manages to squeeze the most out of this simple concept. Three on three doesn't seem like much, but the stage is just the right size to keep the gameplay relentlessly busy. Not too big, not too crowded. There's a lot you can do with the way you intend to play. The players can rush the ball, you can shoot the opponents to deactivate their suits. The power ups are simple enough. A shield that protects your from damage and allows you to walk the ball, a booster that increases your speed and agility, and what I can only describe as an EMP bomb that ejects the opposing team from their suits and forces them to scramble to get back in the game. These little additions really keep the pressure up and the game delightfully frantic. The target goal also gets smaller with every point scored, providing a chance for an opposing team that may not be so skilled at the start the fair chance to redeem themselves. All in all, Blast Ball is immensely addictive. I've already dumped three hours into it, and considering the matches are short little bite sized events, that's quite a few matches.

Alternately, there are a couple training modes that teach you the ropes. Think of it as basic combat training for the full game to come. A delightfully busy shooting range with static and moving "paper" targets is your first "graded" test and teaches you the basics of shooting. A second tests pits you against a hord of space pirates and it starts to really shine. From what can be seen during this short experience, the AI is great. Enemy's appear to take cover, while stronger enemies will rush in for a bet shot to do the most damage. Getting too close, and enemies will melee. I Was fairly impressed with this. It's a definite improvement on the AI of the original Prime, where enemies would either bum rush or stand out in the open right within your line of fire. This makes the ability to aim slightly ahead of enemies as they move a must when trying to dispatch them as quickly as possible. I can only assume this is implimented even better in the finished product.

Now, I understand the gripes of other fans. I know I'm not among the majority on this. This isn't the Metroid people wanted after five years and the critical failure of Other M. People are, within reason,  afraid that Nintendo is playing fast and loose with a beloved IP with a very devoted niche following, and their recent experiments have been far from successful, as they try to catch up with the VG demigods of Call of Duty, Halo, and other huge twitch shooters that clutter up the market and seem to rake in bundles of cash. I get that. I get that a game that doesn't see the titular character, Samus Aran, as the games protagonist, and that seems luck a kick in the face after the excruciating wait. This more than likely would have been better received along side a new main addition to the series. I get that also. But what also needs to be understood is that the gameplay is recognizably intact,  the charm is there, and, while I can't speak for the finished product just yet, Blast Ball itself is a pretty great game in it's own right with decent appeal, and it's worth the grab, especially as a free demo. I don't know about you, but I would have gladly payed ten bucks for what I got out of this, hands down. So here's to hoping the finished product stacks up to what is presented. I'm eagerly waiting for the 19th of August, are you? What are your thoughts?
Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
September 21, 2013, 08:10:15 PM
I've played the entire series from point a to point b. that said, I understand exactly what made Metroid a household title. Further more, I never once said I don't acknowledge the prime trilogy as a quality series. The transition of a title that is an expected platformer to first person is a difficult task to undertake, much less appeal to the prior fan base. It, however, did so beautifully, had a kindred feel to the games that came before it while at the same time being refreshing and had a plethora of power ups and locations that expanded the metroid universe. However, I am unswayed by popular opinion, much less why things are considered flops or whether or not they sold well. That is all irrelevent to me.

In my opinion, prime was three times trite and overdone. I'm not saying they got worse with each release, I'm saying they didn't get better. They are all on the same flat line of excellence. Anyone could start with any of the three and find it amazing, while it loses it's luster on the remaining two and becomes boring. I also feel that some of the charm was lost in deviating from the third person format.

To the opposing opinion of the atmosphere, I'll have to say it is very poorly supported. Elementally inspired areas have been at the core of the majority of the titles. Did it compare to the detail of anything in prime? No. However, "is it fun and nostalgic?" Is my main question of reasoning, graphically I could care less.

I respect your opinion, however I disagree with an extreme prejudice to everything save for quips and disagreements regarding story.
Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
September 21, 2013, 06:36:49 AM
I'm playing through Metroid: Other M again. I just picked it up recently and gave it a quick run through to get up to speed, and for all the grief people give it, it's managed to captivate me to go for that 100% run. I genuinely loved it. I also believe it had a more than decent story, better dialog and voice acting would have done it better justice, however. I did find it to have a decent metroid feel, and I rather accept it as Super Metroid's sequel. I'll put it above any of the primes in a heartbeat. This should be expanded. Since metroid (save for the prime trilogy which kinda chills out doing its own thing... Over and over and over) seems to have been on a cycle of exploration and linear titles since its inception, expand the world, offer more freedom, bring new power ups to bring the pain, and fight those slimy Feds.
I'm... Actually excited about this. I dumped an extra $200 I hadn't used out of last month's recreation budget. Looks like money well invested.

Not a tear will be shed for Capcom on my end though. DIECAPCOMJUSTDIE!
There's a difference between the Mighty Number 9 kickstarter and any kickstarter that Capcom would endeavor in. Passion.

Mighty Number 9 support isn't solely driven by the promise of a nostalgic game that's fun to play, but also a "Go Inafune, Go!" rally of mind. He left a company that made his idea possible because he was unsatisfied with what it became and how it was being handled, to return to his roots with no promise of success because he seemingly genuinely cares about the opinions of his fans. Two anticipated title cancelations later, Capcom is being made the villain and Inafune, the heart warming hero that is driven by a passion for something other than the dollar. The majority trust Inafune and believe him sincere, so his kickstarter is massively successful.

Capcom has the minority on this, and after recent and distant let downs, has none of the same trust. The majority of fans will not part with hard earned money in any volume for another potential flop, which is becoming expected of them rather than a conceived possibility. And let's be honest here, the campaign for MML3 was lackluster and half hearted at best. Advertising was clearly targeted towards pre existing fans of a game duo released many years before the proposition of this. To say it didn't have enough support was no fault of anyone but themselves. What they should have done, if they were at all serious, was rerender and redistribute the original two as either DLC or hard copy (which was done on the PSP but only in Japan, imagine that) to bring everyone up to speed and peak interest into a sequel without simply dropping it from out of nowhere which obviously alienates a massive portion of the potential market.

Even indiscriminately advertising it with more effort, at a minimum could have drawn in a larger following. You have to spend money to make money, the effort wasn't there, and having fans place much of their insight into the development process is not only ludicrous, but the epitome of a lack of ingenuity and passion for what they were trying to create, giving the fans what they are SURE they want to see to play it safe not for creativity's sake or for faith in MML3 on the merit and pride of it's own creative legacy, giving it the feel that it was all about the mighty dollar rather than the fan.

And why not? They had gone beyond Inafune's wishes in the past, and had shown no shame in implementing Megaman's name in every idea regardless of how estranged. Everything revolving around the process was slap and haggard. I don't really see them as an "evil", I see them as a corporate entity. A corporate entity that is naturally in it for the money, naturally milks once respected titles for all they are worth, and naturally doesn't give a hot damn about the fans if they can make a buck.

It's always about money, but Mighty Number 9 seems to have a little more heart behind it.

Edit: Added some line breaks and paragraphs here and there.

Double edit: Heh, thanks... It... Didn't seem that long when I was writing it... Was a rather horrendous wall of text though.
It would appear that people on the devroom want Capcom to emulate the success of Inafune's Mighty Number 9 for Legends 3. That really seems futile to me.
ZX / Re: What's up with ZX3?
November 22, 2009, 09:42:36 PM
You can call me an idiot, I just stated it was an opinion of mine. I'm not stating it as a fact, or as though it's gospel. I just "feel" that way. No sense in getting irritated over an opinion that is stated to be as such, an opinion.
Gaming / Re: The "What are you currently playing?" Thread
November 21, 2009, 10:36:42 PM
I just got a copy of Metal Storm in the mail. For the NES. I've been trying to beat that the second time around.

It's the most fun game I've played in quite some time. It has fair difficulty (if you get hit once you die which can get a bit challenging at times), and the graphics (for a nes game) are absolutely outstanding.
ZX / Re: What's up with ZX3?
November 21, 2009, 10:24:50 PM
Quote from: Zan on November 20, 2009, 02:32:31 AM
You're starting to sound like OmegaZ and his foolish idea that Inti has lost their magic touch.

I honestly feel that Inti HAS lost their magic touch in regards to Megaman. The reason why? They are whoring megaman out way too much. There's very little of what made megaman megaman left. There's too much story involved where there should be a very minor amount. And it's getting to the point where you don't even play as Megaman anymore. There are a mess of abilities that just don't seem "megamanish" to me.

None of this seems charming to me, and my opinion is shared by many fans. But I guess that's just an opinion based on the fact that we grew up with the classics. These games aren't directed toward classic fans, they are directed toward the next generation of people that may have little knowledge of the contrast between megaman then and megaman now. I like megaman then, so I'd find a ZX3 to be in poor taste for me.
X / Re: What do you want to see in X9?
November 13, 2009, 08:54:51 PM
Quote from: Turian on November 13, 2009, 06:40:20 AM
One armor. And no Axl.

There was an error in your post that makes your opinion wrong. I fixed it for you so you don't have to worry.  ;)

I want to see something that hasn't been done before. Like a character dying and coming back later like Jesus Christ. And what if we gave X a saber, too? It could totally work guys. We also need a new character with an annoying voice to form a cheesy plot device that we can all see coming around. Not to mention robots with the ability to form scar tissue!

My point? I'm going to play it if it happens, but I really don't see what's left for it. I don't want closure or a bridge to a different series which capcom seems to have a hard on for. What I do want is the same formula that made X1 fun, less story and cheesy plots that don't quite fit.
Zero / Re: Zero's Badass Level
November 13, 2009, 04:57:51 AM
Zero never died and reapeared in a christ like/cheesy manner in the zero series. So he can only have a high badass level in the X series.

A level of OVER 9000!
Yeah that's right. Oh snap!
Zero / Re: Was Neo Arcadia a communist dictatorship?
November 05, 2009, 03:33:15 AM
I can say and know for a fact that X is unbiased based on the fact that it's thoroughly expressed in his bio and throughout the series. X is a fictional character with a fictional bio that's word is law in his fictional world. Sorry to, in a way, break the fourth wall on this but you can't logically think he's faking unbiase when his intended personality is unbiase. Besides there's a difference between a puny human causing trouble and a machine with vastly more powerful weapons promoting fear induced chaos
General / Re: Question about making money
October 22, 2009, 12:20:25 AM
I was going to make that suggestion but I assumed he was younger. If that be the case, you can actually make a fair amount of cash doing yard work if you save it. or be a farm hand if you live in the country, i mean that's what i used to do. its way more effective than the internet.
General / Re: Question about making money
October 21, 2009, 11:40:08 PM
well if computers are really "your life" it should be rather easy. the problem is whether you create a website, help maintain one or sell things on them it takes time to make a significant amount of cash. internet just isnt the practical way to go unless you have alot of valuble items that people want.
Fan Creations / Re: Gaia's burning Gallery!
June 20, 2009, 06:27:49 AM
It's chibi-rific... okay that was a dumb thing to say but still. It's cool looking.
Fan Creations / Re: Brain-Children of Unit315
June 20, 2009, 06:24:52 AM
Quote from: GothamAnswer on June 20, 2009, 06:04:56 AM
It actually looks like if Flash Man and Skull Man had sex, one of them got pregnant and gave birth to a robot that has giganticism

... I pitty one of them greatly... I'm not sure which... but giving birth to something more than 20x larger than you = end to sex life... forever.

On another note, I just uploaded another. I was going to let it be but paperwork has officially made sleep impossible so...

Same basic concept, giant mech very loosely based off of Cut Man (She can pull off her bow and throw it). I want to make a comic out of this. This mech is named Nora, and it's actually "evolved" thus the title Nora the 3rd. It's pilot (upper left) is Lady (Sofia) Mira. (Sofia piloting Nora the 3rd, +5 fun bucks to the first to get the cryptic reference)

Fan Creations / Brain-Children of Unit315
June 20, 2009, 06:01:33 AM
Somewhere between pornography critiques with odd friends and random injuries caused by extreme bouts of stupidity boredom can sometimes produce something of seldom greatness. Did the man who invented the "soda drink hat" have an exciting life that spawned a great idea that would come to be used by a large amount of the backwoods/redneck community (me) during NASA or Football games?

For me, it's sketches and doodles, not that they are going to make me big but it's probably more healthy than the forementioned. So, without further to do...

This one is one of my favorites. It's a 144ft mech with it's pilot in the background (who is around 6ft in actuallity, yes I did make and measure and accurate scale... I'm not a nerd).

It's actually a top view of the mech, so yeah it seems dissportional. It's actually loosely based off of flash man, where I got the idea for the glowing head.

Well feel free to offer me any advice, I certainly don't think I'm above getting some help ^.^ I can't color worth diddly squat, so sketchwork and pencil shades are all i have to offer unless you want to color them yourself somehow, I'd actually love to see it.
Zero / Re: About Omega
June 19, 2009, 10:26:50 PM
The real question that needs to be answered here is how can omega pull out his sword when it's the same shape as the sheath?

Yes... a difficult question to answer indeed.
ZX / Re: Favorite Character?
June 19, 2009, 10:01:28 PM
My favorite enemy characters were Pandora and Prometheus simply for their good looks and charm. No point, just fight. Brutality is good, however in terms of "fun to fight" I'm going to have to give them an F. Everything was very routine, especially when they were fighting together, and thus, very predictable.
Original / Re: JEH's a cheater
June 11, 2009, 08:36:59 PM
The problem with the arguement is that there shouldn't be an arguement. Plain and simple. It's a game, even if he did cheat, so what? Who is JEH, and why do I care if he's a cheater? There are cheaters all over the internet, it's just better to overlook them, especially if you end up being wrong in the long run.
Original / Re: JEH's a cheater
June 11, 2009, 08:12:19 PM
I know exactly what he's complaining about, if it's any constilation. He's saying that the man posted a "no hit run" yet he ran out of ammo of crash grenades on a previous wiley level, after which your ammo doesn't get replenished unlike after robot master levels. He magically got his ammo back in the next level, which would be impossible without collecting ammo before hand, and by magically I mean by killing himself, as someone previously stated. Technically, yes that would be cheating, but only VERY technically so. I don't see the big deal if he can make it through every level without being hit of his own accord using nothing but a rock buster and crash bombs, because I can't even using every weapon in my arsenal.