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Messages - DarkeSword

Fan Creations / Re: Rockman Remix
August 08, 2011, 02:49:13 PM
I run a yearly tournament over at OC ReMix called the Grand Robot Master Remix Battle.  This year's tournament just recently concluded.  We ended up with 57 remixes of classic Mega Man tunes.

Here's a ZIP file with this year's remixes.  ENJOY!!!

The Grand Robot Master Remix Battle 2011
I'm looking for an album artist for a Mega Man album I'm organizing over at OverClocked ReMix.  Specifically, I'm looking for someone who can draw Classic series Robot Masters really well in action shots and group shots.  If you're interested, please contact me via PM here, or over on OCR if you have an account there.  Contacting me on AIM is also okay.  Thank you.
Ohh, you mean if I decide to post more remixes here, make sure to post them in this thread instead of making a new thread for every mix.  Got it.

In any case I don't complete remixes all that often, so you might not see another Mega Man remix from me for a couple of months, but I'll be sure to dig up this thread and post it in here if I do. :)
Quote from: Flame on May 08, 2009, 07:23:05 AM
thats pretty awesome Darke.

make sure to post all other remixes in this thread though.

Thank you.

What other remixes?
Hello peoples.  I have just completed a new Mega Man ZX remix today.  It's a remix of Gauntlet, the Area-L music.  It's called Dagger Vision.

Mega Man ZX - Dagger Vision [6.14MB]

It's kind of upbeat.  I hope everyone enjoys it.   '>.>
Quote from: Hypershell on February 22, 2009, 06:44:07 PM
Something I hadn't thought of is the reason many OCRs tend to blow, especially recent ones.  And really, it's because the OCR community generally maintains the same attitude as was taken with the RM9 AST, which is they think that staying too faithful to the original is some kind of sin.

Nope.  I think everyone on the staff loves a good, faithful cover of old video game music.  I listen to a lot of stuff like Remastered Tracks Rockman Zero, which is basically just originals+better samples/live guitar.  Nobody views it as a "sin" to make that kind of arrangement.  But OCR's goal is to show that video game music is really strong melodically and harmonically, that it can be adapted in a number of ways.  Just because we reject something for being "too similar" to the source track doesn't mean we're saying "this is bad music."  We're saying "we're not going to offer you free hosting and exposure for just performing the original composition; you have to do some work yourself."  That means looking at the song, analyzing it, understanding it, really appreciating its core, and turning that into something new.

QuoteAnd believe me, I'm not fond of their "quality control" either.  Nobody who rejects Darkesword's Beamsabre Beat can be trusted in my book.

Except that after the first version of the track was rejected, I went back and fixed it up based on suggestions I got and resubmitted it, after which it was posted to the site.

And let's be serious: the first version of Beamsabre Beat ZERO sounds terrible.  Bad sound choices, no SFX; it's just a bad texture all around.  I never should have submitted version 1 in the first place.  You know what I do when version 1 comes up on my MP3 player?  I skip it.  I'd take it down from my website, but it's been out for such a long time that it'd do no good.  Plus it's kind of nice to illustrate the evolution of a track.