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Messages - RMX

March 14, 2010, 02:43:31 PM

Just play Impossible Creatures

Rockman the Digger

Tinypic cropped it but you get the idea
Silly Hitomi. That's not how you spell Hinoken

One of the very few characters to appear in all of the six main games, and you can battle him in all of them.
I remember hating collecting raw materials in this game.
Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
February 21, 2010, 04:49:02 PM

A challenger appears
Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
February 20, 2010, 02:16:21 AM
Quote from: Ky on February 19, 2010, 02:10:35 PM

When you see it....

I thought it was Greedo :<
Off The Wall / Re: Oh [parasitic bomb]...
February 20, 2010, 02:12:31 AM
Quotelaptops issued to students

wait, so they basically got free laptops?
Dropping by just to say the Baby Elves use lens flare in their boss fight, too. I feel better if I correct myself  8D
QuoteLast post by RMX on August 15, 2009

Well [tornado fang] me to hell and back for doing nothing for more than 6 months (just like in school 8D). Whoever was still following this probably moved on with their lives to something better and updated more often. On average I still probably work more than VGCats but whatever.



#1. Oh boy I hate Windows 7's Paint with a burning passion. It made my life a lot more complicated and sluggish
#2. I can't sprite fire effects for [parasitic bomb] anymore. Compare these with the fire effects in previous issues. IT SUCKS REALLY HARD
#3. Phoenix Magnion is so badass he's the only boss to ever use lens flare. Lens flare on a 2D megaman game. That is badass.
#4. Pray I make another chapter and I finish this fight properly. It's not like anything happens at all, twice as much as your average Bleach chapter but that is not saying much.
This is so much like you, RPM

Also I'd rather buster those wwwwwwwwwwwww~ and (; A;) comments to death instead of jumping on them
Cool. I wish I knew anything about electronics
Off The Wall / Re: Reposted Picture Thread (56K Warning)
February 10, 2010, 01:59:28 PM
[spoiler=Trigonometry ahead][/spoiler]
Anime & Manga / Re: Bleach (Manga Discussion Mainly)
February 09, 2010, 02:32:05 PM
[spoiler]They were stabbing Hinamori all along[/spoiler]
Quote from: The Great Gonzo on February 06, 2010, 01:30:19 AM
Yes, they can be bought separately, for about $7 each.

Holy crap something I can afford
Anime & Manga / Re: Bleach (Manga Discussion Mainly)
February 07, 2010, 01:25:50 AM
Quote from: Ky on February 06, 2010, 01:23:50 PM
You heard it here first.

Yes because no one else expects this. Actually I'm thinking Kubo wants to one-up everyone and pull some reverse psychology or unexpected [parasitic bomb] from his sleeve

still using this 3D stuff. It works pretty well. My piles of unorganized trash now actually are piles of unorganized trash. Gotta work on the walls to make them look cooler, though.
Gaming / Re: Pokémon Gen5 on the way
January 31, 2010, 10:06:51 PM
Do you know what I want? A Pokemon gen where I don't have to use the previous generations to catch them all.
Easiest: ZX and Advent
Hardest: Can't remember, it's probably Megaman & Bass
Off The Wall / Re: A New World...
January 28, 2010, 01:35:29 AM
I'm afraid this is as good as it gets. Horror must exist for bliss to make sense; we need contrast. As for human nature, we are cruel because nature was cruel with us first: if the world wouldn't have wanted to risk it with us it should have treated us better.
Anime & Manga / Re: Bleach (Manga Discussion Mainly)
January 27, 2010, 08:16:02 PM
I don't really mind. It's not like the manga is interesting or anything
I smirked at that scene, too. I dislike Nunnally, moreso in R2. Served her well
Gaming / Re: Mass Effect 2 Thread of Threadlyness
January 26, 2010, 01:03:47 PM
Quote from: megaman24681012 on January 26, 2010, 01:26:56 AM
ME2 with the overall Mass Effect series can go [tornado fang] themselves.

It looks like KOTOR with bad next gen Third person shooter concepts tacked on.
If you can prove me wrong, I'd like to see you try.  -_-

Wrong, it's a typical Bioware RPG with bad next gen third person shooter concepts tacked on. It's still a fun game
Gaming / Re: Chrono Trigger/Cross Topic
January 25, 2010, 11:22:40 PM
I only played the SNES ROM

[spoiler]I used cheat codes after getting to the age of magic because I got tired of the fights[/spoiler]

It's not like everyone already had that track from RMZRT