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Messages - TGCF

 [objection!]This is already a bad product.

His official height is 4'4"! RUINED FOREVER.

If anyone's interested... -_- (EDIT: I personally thinks it looks okay for those few seconds we saw)
I was browsing through Mega Man stuff, until I came across this:

Now it may seem like another translation for the Rockman and Forte Wonderswan game, but the reason why I brought it up is because the person who translated this also translated Konro Man's diary, which brings up a very interesting thing.

QuoteDecember 19th, 21XX
As I was about to be disposed as a failure, Rockman Shadow saved me.
Then, I joined as a member of the Dimensions.
The dimensions are a collection of high sense robots (starting with me).

December 20th, 21XX
Rockman Shadow destroyed the world.
Rockman Shadow's jackhammer truly possesses impressive capabilities to be proud of.

December 21st, 21XX
I'm going to the past together with Rockman Shadow.
It seems the Clockmen can manipulate time.

Instead of these future events in 20XX, it's actually in 21XX, closer to the X series than the classic series. If we look into the mini-boss bio of the Old Robot in X2;
QuoteOld Robot
Combat robot used in wars of the past. Heavily armored, attacks were once
useless on this invincible robot, but with the end of the wars, it was turned
to scrap.
This implies that a war broke through between the X and Classic series. (More info on Zan's topic of bridging the two series: )
If we include the Wonderswan game into the official canon, this means that Rockman Shadow and the Dimensions may have beem apart, or even started the war.

Any thoughts?
ZX / Re: Timeline of ZX
January 13, 2016, 02:52:06 AM
This is a VERY good timeline. I learned a lot of new things from this one. I just wish there were translations of ZX Gigamix

But I'm curious about one thing
Quote-4 Chosen Ones in Cold Sleep are experimented on in the same lab as Prometheus and Pandora's and Grey's capsules stand.
Where did this come from? It makes sense if the 4 Mega Men were mind controlled, but where does it state that they were in Cold SLeep?