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Messages - PorkWorth McSlaughter

Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
January 05, 2014, 12:54:26 AM
there is a saying, "you are what you eat", and it is so true.
Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
January 05, 2014, 12:48:13 AM
Quote from: Clefant on January 05, 2014, 12:46:48 AM
What about pork bacon?

You know, GOOD Bacon?

pork bacon is not good for you, and it doesn't even taste that good either.
Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
January 05, 2014, 12:43:23 AM
you can have some of my halal beef bacon  8D

Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
January 05, 2014, 12:35:31 AM
Quote from: Mirby on January 05, 2014, 12:33:00 AM
what really upsets me is when people claim their beliefs are unequivocal truth, and try to convert others to their way of thinking. and then they get banned for it. the banning isn't what upsets me, i like that.

it's when they come back under a different name, spewing the same bull, trying the same thing. that's literally insane (trying the same thing expecting different results). it's like, if it didn't work once or twice and you keep trying, it's likely not going to work again. and it upsets me when people try to claim my beliefs are wrong and theirs are right. it just doesn't work that way.

i never said i was forcing my beliefs, im just trying to use some common sense, which a lot of people don't use.

What is it that you don't like about what i am saying exactly?

but you know what problem i have, i still keep on thinking that i can convince people on the internet when i clearly can't, i need to learn to just let people on the internet be , cause it's impossible to convince someone on here.
Off The Wall / Re: "What's Upsetting You Right Now?"
January 05, 2014, 12:20:34 AM
what's upsetting me is that, whenever i talk to someone regarding political or religion issues, they tend to ignore me right off the bat. I'm not even trying to convert people or anything, i'm just trying to reason with people on why people shouldn't do this or that, because we live in such a messed up society where pretty anything goes. And then people go on and criticize religion and think it's the biggest cancer in the world when it is only the people that are the problem. If people cant think for themselves and if people want to be comfortable in their own ignorance then i feel sorry for them. I know i can't change people, but there is a certain limit on what people should think and do. no matter how much truth i tell the people, they just feel bothered and angry by this.
Hi everyone, i like Megaman/Rockman, coincidentally mine and his birthday are on the same day but different years.

and thats all i got for now lol....